Excel - Find next available empty row

I have about 400 rows of information in excel and I want the script to add information to the next available open row. I don’t know how to tell applescript to find a blank or empty cell. I’ve been trying many variations in an attempt to figure it out, and here is one of those scripts:

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	tell worksheet "all" of workbook "2_Stock Overview.xlsx"
		select range "B3"
		set FoundRow to false
			set FoundCell to {find range "B3:B372" what " "}
			set FoundRow to true
			delete entire row of FoundCell
		end try
		set i to 1
		repeat while i ≤ 10000
			set FoundRow to false
			set FoundCell to {find range "B3:B372" what " "}
			set FoundRow to true
			delete entire row of FoundCell
			set i to i + 1
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell
tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	get end (range "B65536") direction toward the top
end tell

Wow… I really over-thought that script. Thank you.

I’m really new at this so how do I tell excel I want the next available cell after the range of used cells?

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set lastFilledCell to get end (range "B65536") direction toward the top
	set firstBlankCell to get offset lastFilledCell row offset 1
end tell

Thank You!