No Editor

When I open the XCode project that I’ve been working on all day, I get an empty window that says “No Editor.”

I can’t find any way to get it back to normal.

Xcode 4? If yes, then just click on one of the buttons in the Editor section on the right of the top bar.

It could also be that you have no valid file selected. Make sure you can see the left pane by activating it from the View section of the same top bar, on the far right.

Model: MacBookPro8,2
Browser: Safari 534.51.22
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)

It’s weird, there was no top bar, so I couldn’t get to any of those buttons. I put it into full-screen mode and then the top bar showed up, so I’ve mostly got things back to normal.


You can hide/show the toolbar with the menu View > Hide/Show Toolbar. That’s probably what happened… Glad to know you got out of your situation :slight_smile:

You can also write a little script that normalizes an Xcode window to your preferred settings. I use:

--BP 2011
tell application id ""
		set fwin to name of front window
	on error
	end try
end tell

tell application id ""
		click menu item "Show Project Navigator" of menu "Navigators" of menu item "Navigators" of menu "View" of menu bar item "View" of menu bar 1 of process "Xcode"
	end try
		click menu item "Show Toolbar" of menu "View" of menu bar item "View" of menu bar 1 of process "Xcode"
	end try
end tell

I tie the script to the F19 key using FastScripts.