Script Execution time check

Hi everyone,

I got the idea to make this from @kel1, he actually wrote the timing script. I just made an app of of it.
you can see his original post here

The script uses python to calculate the time difference between the beginning and the end of whatever AS you enter. It’s possible that it won’t work in every case. I only began writing about 15 minutes ago, but already found a bug. Somehow when you enter “0.0” as script to perform the time check on it will register a negative time.

This script should come in handy when you’re writing a script that performs e.g. lot’s of calculations, downloads files, or anything else that doesn’t involve user interference!

Anyway, without further ado, remember credits mainly go to kel1:

set sc to button returned of (display dialog "To see how fast your script runs; either copy it or open a script." & return & "Please notice that load script times could be off a few seconds." buttons {"Open script.", "Test from clipboard", "Quit"})
if "script" is in sc then
	--set script1 to POSIX path of (
	choose file with prompt "Open a applescript file:" of type {".scpt"}
else if "Test" is in sc then
	set torun to (do shell script "pbpaste")
end if
on test_(x)
	repeat 2 times
		set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
		set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
		set time_calib to t2 - t1
		set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
		set x to 1
		-- Enter script here
		set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
		set time_diff to t2 - t1 - time_calib
	end repeat
	if time_diff is less than 0 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Your script seems to have run in a negative time?" & return & "It took " & time_diff & " seconds." default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboad", "Quit"})
	else if time_diff is less than 1 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Wow, your script seems to be pretty fast!" & return & "Your script ran in " & time_diff & " seconds!" default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboard", "Quit"})
	else if time_diff is less than 3 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Your script seems to be running pretty normal." & return & "It took " & time_diff & " seconds." default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboad", "Quit"})
	else if time_diss is greater than 3 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Your script is either pretty slow or you have some user interaction in there" & return & "It took " & time_diff & " seconds." default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboad", "Quit"})
	end if
	ignoring case
		if "copy" is in sc then
			do shell script "echo " & time_diff & "| pbcopy"
		end if
	end ignoring
end test_

on testscript_(x)
	set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
	set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
	set time_calib to t2 - t1
	set t1 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
	set x to 1
	-- Enter script here
	load script x
	set t2 to run script (do shell script "python -c 'import time; print time.time()'")
	set time_diff to t2 - t1 - time_calib
	if time_diff is less than 0 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Your script seems to have run in a negative time?" & return & "It took " & time_diff & " seconds." default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboad", "Quit"})
	else if time_diff is less than 1 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Wow, your script seems to be pretty fast!" & return & "Your script ran in " & time_diff & " seconds!" default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboard", "Quit"})
	else if time_diff is less than 3 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Your script seems to be running pretty normal." & return & "It took " & time_diff & " seconds." default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboad", "Quit"})
	else if time_diss is greater than 3 then
		set sc to button returned of (display dialog "Your script is either pretty slow or you have some user interaction in there" & return & "It took " & time_diff & " seconds." default answer time_diff as text buttons {"Copy to clipboad", "Quit"})
	end if
	ignoring case
		if "copy" is in sc then
			do shell script "echo " & time_diff & "| pbcopy"
		end if
	end ignoring
end testscript_

on quit_()
	log "Quitting"
end quit_

If you have any suggestions or feedback, i’d happily reply!