Photoshop CS6 and Mavericks


The answer must be out there somewhere but I am in the middle of india at the moment with a very slow internet connection so…

I am getting these sort of replies with a script that worked before

tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS6"
			«event PsCSodoc» alias imagePath
			«event 8BIMRzIm» «class pADc» given «class Wdth»:imageWidth, «class ResL»:240
			duplicate «class DbLr» of «class pADc» to document todayDate
			«event PsCSclos» «class pADc» without «class savo»
		end tell

Is there a work around. Have use the use command but still have the problem. also CS6 does not accept the current document property

Any ideas

You’ll see “raw” apple events that hasn’t been translated to the AppleScript dictionary. That means that the application dictionary hasn’t been loaded properly. This only happens to my machine when I have multiple version of the same applications running. Then I quit all the versions of the same application including script editor. Then only start a instance of the application you want to run, then start script editor and open your script and at last you can start the other applications again.

When this didn’t solve the problem there is something else causing the problem why the scripting dictionary (in general) won’t load properly:

  • check if the application doesn’t need an special scripting addition (like quarkxpress) and is properly installed.
  • Some scripting additions doesn’t load in an 64-bit AppleScript instance (read: segmentation fault). Make sure if AppleScript is running in the correct bit width so it will load needed scripting additions properly.
  • check if the application contains an sdef (scripting definition file), if not re-install the application.
  • when the proper files are installed check it’s privileges, including the parent folders in it’s path.

Now you have something to start with. Again, seeing raw apple events is caused by not loading the scripting definition properly. When using a tell application in script editor and needs to compile the script for the first time, or opens a script, it will send an event to the application with it’s scripting definition. The application needs to send a response back. You can look at the response by using AEDebug (AEDebugSends and AEDebugReceives) in the terminal and launch the application from that same terminal window (not using the open command).