Reading file from internet

Hi, I would like to know if I can read and write from a file hosted in the Internet with AppleScript.

I have My one domain with yahoo, I have used transmit to connect to yahoo web hosting and created a folder and added a file myfile.txt path looks like this:

Can I use and applescript to read from this file and then write back to it?

Thank you for your time!


use cURL

property fileName : "myfile.txt"
property serverPath : "[url=][/url]"

set localPath to POSIX path of (path to desktop) & fileName

-- download
do shell script "curl -o " & quoted form of localPath & space & quoted form of (serverPath & fileName)

do shell script "curl -T " & quoted form of localPath & space & quoted form of (serverPath & fileName)

cURL is very flexible, you can create directories as well as passing authentication credentials