Reading, Erasing and passing text to Automator

Hi, I have a file on my desktop called codes.rtf which is a CR delineated list of codes.

All I want to do is read and return the first code, then delete it along with its carriage return.

I’ve been searching for ages and i’ll continue to but this is for tomorrow so i’m panicking!!! Please help!

The idea is that each code is unique and once its been used on a PDF (in automator) it is deleted from the list.


is the RTF text format required?
It’s pretty easy to do it with plain text

No, i’ve changed to txt and have managed to read the first line, now I’m just trying to delete the first line…

set theFile to ((path to desktop folder) & "codes.txt") as string
set theFileReference to open for access theFile
set theFileContents to read theFileReference until return

return paragraph 1 of theFileContents

close access theFileReference

try this, the variable currentCode contains the code of the first line.
The rest is written back to disk

set codesFile to (path to desktop as text) & "codes.txt"
	set fileRef to open for access file codesFile with write permission
	set codes to paragraphs of (read fileRef)
	set numberOfCodes to count codes
	set currentCode to item 1 of codes
	if numberOfCodes > 1 then
		set restCodes to rest of codes
		set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return}
		set restCodesText to restCodes as text
		set text item delimiters to TID
		set restCodesText to ""
	end if
	set eof fileRef to 0
	write restCodesText to fileRef
	close access fileRef
	display dialog currentCode
on error errorMessage number errorNumber
	if errorNumber = -39 then
		display dialog "No codes available" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		display dialog errorMessage buttons {"OK"} default button 1
	end if
		close access file codesFile
	end try
end try

Absolute hero, Its much more than I thought. Thanks for putting the feedback and error checking in but its blocking the automator action because it needs confirmation by pressing OK. I’m experimenting with it, but could you post a stripped version?

to remove the confirmation just cut the first display dialog line
This is an AppleScript action version, the return value is the requested code

on run {input, parameters}
	set codesFile to (path to desktop as text) & "codes.txt"
		set fileRef to open for access file codesFile with write permission
		set codes to paragraphs of (read fileRef)
		set numberOfCodes to count codes
		set currentCode to item 1 of codes
		if numberOfCodes > 1 then
			set restCodes to rest of codes
			set {TID, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return}
			set restCodesText to restCodes as text
			set text item delimiters to TID
			set restCodesText to ""
		end if
		set eof fileRef to 0
		write restCodesText to fileRef
		close access fileRef
		return currentCode
	on error errorMessage number errorNumber
		if errorNumber = -39 then
			display dialog "No codes available" buttons {"OK"} default button 1
			display dialog errorMessage buttons {"OK"} default button 1
		end if
			close access file codesFile
		end try
	end try
	return missing value
end run