Photoshop CS5 Can't Get Current Document

This script appears to be rather straightforward. After the first document exports and is closed the script fails to recognize the next Photoshop document opened as being the current document. I receive the message “Can’t get current document”. I did not have this issue with CS4?


tell application "Finder"
	set myOriginalFolder to folder ((path to current user folder as text) & "GrayBar:OriginalLogos:")
	set newLogosFolder to folder ((path to current user folder as text) & "GrayBar:NewLogos:")
	set item1Name to name of item 1 of myOriginalFolder
	if item1Name contains ".DS" then delete item1
	repeat with i from 1 to count of items of myOriginalFolder
		set thisFile to (item i of myOriginalFolder) as string
		set theName to name of item i of myOriginalFolder
		tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS5"
			set properties to {display dialogs:never}
				set ruler units of settings to point units
			end try
				open alias thisFile as PDF with options {class:PDF open options, mode:RGB, resolution:600, use antialias:true, constrain proportions:true}
			on error
					open alias thisFile
				end try
			end try
				set ruler units of settings to point units
			end try
			--> getting "Can't get current document" error here on the next file being opened from the folder of files?
			set thisdoc to current document
			set theWidth to width of current document
			set theHeight to height of current document
				trim thisdoc basing trim on transparent pixels
			end try
				change mode of thisdoc to RGB
			end try
			if theHeight is greater than or equal to theWidth then
				tell thisdoc
					resize image height 1200 as points resolution 72 resample method bicubic
				end tell
				tell thisdoc
					resize image width 1200 as points resolution 72 resample method bicubic
				end tell
			end if
				set exportFolder to ((path to current user folder as text) & "GrayBar:NewLogos:")
				set file_name to ("Test" & i & ".png")
			on error
				display dialog "Failed at writing name"
				exit repeat
			end try
			tell thisdoc
					export it in (exportFolder & file_name) as save for web with options {web format:PNG, transparency:true, png eight:false}
				on error
					display dialog "Failed at saving PNG"
					exit repeat
				end try
			end tell
			close thisdoc saving no
		end tell
	end repeat
end tell

I wasn’t sure if I should delete this post or reply with the fix? The fix was simple, “check for updates” then update Photoshop CS5 so it was current. The script works fine now.