Applescript to save eps as .ai (in CMYK) with Illustrator 2015 fails

Had a great applescript that opened .eps files and saved them as .ai in CMYK that no longer works in Illustrator CC 2015.

Have tried a lot with tweaking and googling but only get errors. Can anyone see whats wrong?

Script should
¢ Open selected file without prompt (doing this through Hazel)
¢ Preferrably select all artwork and convert selection to new work-area
¢ Save as .ai in CMYK

set docRef to theFile as string
set outputFolder to "/Users/AF/Downloads/   UT/" as string

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	open (theFile as alias) without dialogs
	tell front document
		set docRef to the current document
		set docName to name of docRef
		set newFilePath to outputFolder & "v_" & docName
			set (spots whose name does not contain "White")'s color type to process color
		end try
		save current document in file newFilePath as Illustrator with options {color space:CMYK, embed ICC profile:true}
	end tell
	close front document saving no
end tell

Hi there,

I’ve had a quick look at the dictionary, a slightly older version than yours, and it doesn’t look like color space is one of the ‘Illustrator’ save options. It’s there in the core suite and other save options.

Not sure if you need to change the color space of the document before you save it as an Illustrator format?


Thanks. This works:

set FileSample to theFile as string

set MyFolderA to "/Users/AF/Desktop/" as string

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	open (theFile as alias) without dialogs
		do javascript file "/Users/AF/Dropbox/CMYK.jsx" with arguments {1, 2}
	end try
	tell front document
		set docBaseName to name
		set newFileName to (MyFolderA & docBaseName & ".ai") as string
	end tell
	save front document in file newFileName as Illustrator
	close front document saving no
end tell

The script “CMYK.jsx” is a javascript with only this content in the file:

Hi there,

Rather than putting the javascript in a .jsx file, this works too:

tell application "Adobe Illustrator"
	set doThis to do javascript "app.executeMenuCommand('doc-color-cmyk');"
end tell