Can I make an Applescript to edit multiple Applescripts?!

I have 700 plus applescripts that contain a file reference that needs to be amended and a new common file destination needs to be added to each. All the changes are common to every script.

It seems like a daunting task to open each script to paste in the changes, I was hoping that I could write a script to edit all the Applescripts.

Thanks in anticipation.

Hey There,

The Script Editor is scriptable you know.

Smile is quite a lot more scriptable than the Script Editor.

And then there are the command-line utilities osadecompile and osacompile, so you could probably do it all with a shell script.

In other words you have choices.

Best Regards,

{ MacBookPro6,1 · 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 · 8GB RAM · OSX 10.11.4 }

Thanks Chris,
I had a suggestion to open the scripts in a text editor, which I’m sure I used to do, but the scripts are completely unreadable with many characters and line breaks. It doesn’t matter w heather I open the scripts on MacPro, iMac, old Quads, the result is the same.

Meanwhile I will get smile. Thanks.

Thanks Chris,

Smile is absolutely awesome even for a amateur like me. It’s doing exactly what I want and the scripts are all perfectly legible ”even to me!

Thanks so much for your generosity with your knowledge.

Kindest regards