Scripting - gateway to forward sms-messages by mail


I want to use the scripting functions of to forward incoming messages by mail.

That works fine with this script, added within the properties of I’ve added an protocol-handler in the script, writes every call of the event handler to a file on the desktop:

using terms from application "Messages"
	--create a text protocol
	on WriteLog(LogText)
		set LogFile to POSIX path of (((path to desktop) as string) & "message.app_eventprotocol_" & short date string of (current date) & ".txt")
		do shell script "echo " & quoted form of ((do shell script "date \"+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S \"") & tab & LogText) & " >> " & LogFile
	end WriteLog events
	on message received MessageText from MessageBuddy for MessageChat
		set ReceivedText to MessageText
		set ReceivedBuddy to name of MessageBuddy as text
		--add any action: e.g Log informations, create Mail, save to a database ...
		WriteLog("message received" & " ¢¢¢ " & ReceivedBuddy & " ¢¢¢ " & ReceivedText)
	end message received
	on message sent MessageText for MessageChat
		WriteLog("message sent" & " ¢¢¢ " & " ¢¢¢ " & MessageText)
	end message sent
	on active chat message received
		WriteLog("active chat message received")
	end active chat message received
	on chat room message received MessageText from MessageBuddy for MessageChat
		WriteLog("message received" & " ¢¢¢ " & (name of MessageBuddy as text) & " ¢¢¢ " & MessageText)
	end chat room message received
	on addressed chat room message received MessageText from MessageBuddy for MessageChat
		WriteLog("addressed chat room message received" & " ¢¢¢ " & (name of MessageBuddy as text) & " ¢¢¢ " & MessageText)
	end addressed chat room message received
	on addressed message received MessageText from MessageBuddy for MessageChat
		WriteLog("addressed message received" & " ¢¢¢ " & (name of MessageBuddy as text) & " ¢¢¢ " & MessageText)
	end addressed message received
	on av chat started
		WriteLog("av chat started")
	end av chat started
	on av chat ended
		WriteLog("av chat ended")
	end av chat ended
	on login finished for MessageService
		WriteLog("login finished")
	end login finished
	on logout finished for MessageService
		WriteLog("logout finished")
	end logout finished
	on buddy became available MessageBuddy
		WriteLog("buddy became available" & " ¢¢¢ " & (name of MessageBuddy as text))
	end buddy became available
	on buddy became unavailable MessageBuddy
		WriteLog("buddy became unavailable" & " ¢¢¢ " & (name of MessageBuddy as text))
	end buddy became unavailable
	on completed file transfer
		WriteLog("completed file transfer")
	end completed file transfer
end using terms from

But it works only for “iMessage”-messages, not for “SMS”-messages. I’ve connected my iPhone to the Mac with handoff and SMS-messages also appears on the Mac. But nothing is happen with such messages, the script registered no event.

Looking for the kind auf the SMS-chats works, this script also shows the connected services (it doesn’t show an SMS-service):

tell application "Messages"
	set MyServicesNames to name of every service
	(* Sample-Output:
		{"", "Bonjour", "Bonjour"}	
	set MessagesChats to (get every chat)
	(* Sample-Output:
		{text chat id "iMessage;+;chat874940696517123456" of application "Messages", ¬
		text chat id "iMessage;+;chat716649889161234567" of application "Messages", ¬
		text chat id "SMS;-;+491621234567" of application "Messages", ¬
		text chat id "SMS;-;+49169876543" of application "Messages"}
end tell

I’ve studied the dictionary of but have no idea, how I can get new SMS-messages to work with.

Please help.
