Reading XML file

Need help with reading xml
goal is to put each post into devonthinkpro.

using the tumblr v1 api because you dont need a key

set thePostStart to {start:0, num:50}

tell application id "DNtp"
	set theXML to download markup from "" encoding "UTF-8"
end tell

tell application "System Events"
	set rootXML to make new XML data with data theXML
	set theElements to XML element 1 of (XML element 1 of rootXML)
	set theName to value of XML attribute "name" of XML element "tumblelog" of XML element "tumblr" of rootXML
	set thetitle to value of XML attribute "title" of XML element "tumblelog" of XML element "tumblr" of rootXML
	set theTotalPosts to value of XML attribute "total" of XML element "posts" of XML element "tumblr" of rootXML
	set theElements2 to XML element 2 of (XML element 1 of rootXML)
	set theElementPosts to every XML element of theElements2
	repeat with anElement in theElementPosts
		--set thePostId to id of (get properties of item 1 of theElementPosts)
		set thePostId to id of anElement
		--set thePostId to id of item (i) of theElementPosts
		set thePostURL to value of XML attribute "url" of anElement
		set thePosturlwithslug to value of XML attribute "url-with-slug" of anElement
		set thePostType to value of XML attribute "type" of anElement
		--type video, photo
		set theOtherUrl to value of XML attribute "url" of anElement
			set thePostPhotoURL to value of XML element "photo-url" of anElement
		on error
			set thePostPhotoURL to ""
		end try
			set thePostVideoURL to value of XML element "video-player" of anElement
		on error
			set thePostVideoURL to ""
		end try
		--to do - dont work right
			set theElementsTest1 to every XML element of item 1 of theElementPosts
			set theElementsTest2 to (every XML element of anElement whose name = "tag")
		on error
			--set theTag to ""
		end try
		set {od, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, " "}
			set theTags to (text items of theTag)
		on error
			set theTags to {}
		end try
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to od
		set theTag to ""
		set theElement1 to ""
		set theAttribute1 to ""
		set thetagtest to ""
	end repeat
end tell

Model: mini
AppleScript: 2.12
Browser: Firefox 48.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6.8)

I downloaded the DevonThink Pro demo and the script extracted correctly the elements related to tags.

What is wrong is the group of instructions usind text item delimiters to get the tag values

Here is the related set of instructions.
I added several log instructions to trace easily the behavior.
I added comments explaining what was wrong in your code.

	--to do - dont work right
			log "ask for tag" # ADDED
			set theElementsTest1 to every XML element of item 1 of theElementPosts
			log "ask for tag 2" # ADDED
			set theElementsTest2 to (every XML element of anElement whose name = "tag")
			# the variable theTag is not defined # ADDED
			log "ask for tag 3" # ADDED
			set theTags to {} # ADDED
			if theElementsTest2 ≠ {} then # ADDED
				log "ask for tag 4" # ADDED
				repeat with anItem in theElementsTest2 # ADDED
					set end of theTags to (get value of anItem) # ADDED
				end repeat # ADDED
				log theTags # ADDED now you have the list of tags
			end if
		on error
			--set theTag to ""
		end try
		log "ask for tag 5"
		# wrong code from here to "ask for tag 8"
		# wrong because theTag is defined ONLY if you got an error before which you didn't
		# TIDs may split a text object but the code above gave only a list of XML elements
		set {od, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, " "}
			log "ask for tag 6"
			set theTags to (text items of theTag) # Here theTag is defined only if you got an error before. But you didn't got one
			log "ask for tag 7"
		on error
			set theTags to {}
		end try
		set AppleScript's text item delimiters to od
		log "ask for tag 8"

Here is the end of the events log.

	get value of XML element "video-player" of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"
		--> error number -1728 from XML element "video-player" of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"
	(*ask for tag*)
	get every XML element of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"
		--> {XML element 1 of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 3 of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 4 of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 5 of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 6 of XML element 1 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"}
	(*ask for tag 2*)
	get every XML element of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4" whose name = "tag"
		--> {XML element 3 of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 4 of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4", XML element 5 of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"}
	(*ask for tag 3*)
	(*ask for tag 4*)
	get value of XML element 3 of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"
		--> "The Photographers' Gallery"
	get value of XML element 4 of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"
		--> "gif"
	get value of XML element 5 of XML element 20 of XML element 2 of XML element 1 of XML data id "sans titre 4"
		--> "bornin1987"
	(*The Photographers' Gallery, gif, bornin1987*)
	(*ask for tag 5*)
	(*ask for tag 6*)
	(*ask for tag 7*)
	(*ask for tag 8*)
end tell

We aren’t using the same system but I feel that it deesn’t matter here.

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.3 in French (VALLAURIS, France) vendredi 3 février 2017 16:00:22

Thanks for the reply! :slight_smile:
Your post got me over a stumbling block.

I was hoping for some routines/techniques for working with xml.
I am aware of satimage osax and its xml but could not get it to load a url with parameters.
Cant seem to find examples written with it.

Thanks again!

Here’s an example using AppleScriptObjC:

use AppleScript version "2.4" -- Yosemite (10.10) or later
use framework "Foundation"
use scripting additions

-- build URL and create XML document
set theURL to current application's |NSURL|'s URLWithString:""
set {theDoc, theError} to current application's NSXMLDocument's alloc()'s initWithContentsOfURL:theURL options:0 |error|:(reference)
if theDoc = missing value then error (theError's localizedDescription() as text)
-- extract posts and work through them
set theElementPosts to (theDoc's rootElement()'s elementsForName:"posts")'s firstObject()'s elementsForName:"post"
repeat with anElement in theElementPosts
	set thePostId to (anElement's attributeForName:"id")'s stringValue() as text
	set thePosturlwithslug to (anElement's attributeForName:"url-with-slug")'s stringValue() as text
	set thePostType to (anElement's attributeForName:"type")'s stringValue() as text
	set thePostVideoURL to ""
	set thePostPhotoURL to ""
	if (thePostType = "photo") then
		set thePostPhotoURL to (anElement's elementsForName:"photo-url")'s firstObject()'s stringValue() as text
	else if (thePostType = "video") then
		set thePostVideoURL to (anElement's elementsForName:"video-player")'s firstObject()'s stringValue() as text
	end if
	set theOtherUrl to (anElement's attributeForName:"url")'s stringValue() as text
	set theTags to ((anElement's elementsForName:"tag")'s valueForKey:"stringValue") as list
	-- do stuff with values
end repeat

Hello Shane

I was reluctant to post a script using ASObjC because in the original question I read :
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6.8)

Yvan KOENIG running Sierra 10.12.3 in French (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 12 février 2017 12:16:05

Ah – good point. I think I saw that with the first post, but then forgot about it.