QT Theatré X v2.0 Update! Directory-Based media player.

Created this originally for OS9 due to its lack of decent multi-format media players and this will the 2nd and final OSX version (Universal PPC/Indel | OSX 10.4-10.8).

The premise is simple, rather than making playlists or dropping/selecting a group of files to play, QT Theatré X is aimed at a directory and it finds and dynamically creates a playlist of all playable files, then runs them one after another in alphabetical or random mode.

Version 2 improves the stability greatly and adds a few nice new features - that are especially nice for the vintage Mac crowd.

  1. Now holds volume-levels and window positions when changing from one file to the next.

  2. Offers Audio (Normal or Random), Video (Normal or Random) and All (Normal or Random) modes.

  3. Video-only modes also have a pretty smooth fullscreen-play option.

  4. Supports lots of additional file-types with Perian and Flip4Mac installed (but if they are not installed, simply skips-over those formats).

  • Audio -
    .MP3, .AIFF, .WAV, .OGG, .AC3 and .WMA

  • Video -
    .MP4, .MOV, .AVI, .3GPP/2, .FLV, .WEBM, .MKV, .OGV, MPEG/2 (Mpgs are hit and miss due to only partial-compatibility in older versions of QT) and .WMV

DL Link:

*Tested on OSX 10.4.11. HD-videos pretty much need a top DP G4 or a G5 or Intel, but otherwise should run on most any G4 or better. Might well work in post-Mavericks versions of OSX, but the menus will look weird because of the newer (wider) dialog format.

-- "QT Theatré X" (Version 2.0) for QuickTime Player 7 (Mac OS X 10.4). Written by Adam Albrec (game_creator@hotmail.com)
-- 03/15/2017

-- Prevents timeout during operation.
with timeout of 86400 seconds
	-- Checks if Perian is installed to enable playback of OGG, AC3, FLV, WEBM, OGV and MPG/MPG2 files.
	set perianInstalled to false
	set perianTest to (do shell script "if test -e /Library/PreferencePanes/Perian.prefPane/; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi") as text
	if perianTest is "1" then
		set perianInstalled to true
		set perianTest to (do shell script "if test -e ~/Library/PreferencePanes/Perian.prefPane/; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi") as text
		if perianTest is "1" then
			set perianInstalled to true
		end if
	end if
	-- Checks if Flip4Mac is installed to enable playback of  WMA/WMV  files.
	set flip4macInstalled to false
	set flip4macTest to (do shell script "if test -e /Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac\\ WMV\\ Advanced.component/; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi") as text
	if flip4macTest is "1" then
		set flip4macInstalled to true
		set flip4macTest to (do shell script "if test -e ~/Library/QuickTime/Flip4Mac\\ WMV\\ Advanced.component/; then echo 1; else echo 0; fi") as text
		if flip4macTest is "1" then
			set flip4macInstalled to true
		end if
	end if
	-- Selection.
	-- Prompts user to select directory of Audio/Video files. Filters out non-playable files, then for Audio, Video or playback of both in normal or random modes.
	tell me
		set mediaPath to (choose folder) as alias
	end tell
	set playbackMode to ""
	tell me
		set playbackMode to (choose from list {"Play Audio Files - Normal", "Play Audio Files - Random", "Play Video Files - Normal", "Play Video Files - Random", "Play Everything! - Normal", "Play Everything! - Random"} with prompt "      Select Playback Mode:" OK button name "OK" cancel button name "Cancel" default items "Play Audio Files - Random" without multiple selections allowed) as text
	end tell
	if playbackMode is "false" then
		error number -128
	end if
	-- Sets to windowed-playback by default.
	set windowMode to ""
	-- Sets File-Sort according to selected playback mode.
	-- Audio files
	if playbackMode contains "Audio" then
		set windowMode to " Windowed"
		tell application "System Events" to set mediaFileList to ((every file of mediaPath) whose visible is true) as list
		set filteredmediaFileList to {}
		set x to "1"
		set n to the number of items of mediaFileList
		repeat n times
			ignoring case and diacriticals
				if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mp3" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".aiff" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".wav" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				end if
				if perianInstalled is true then
					if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".ogg" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".ac3" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					end if
				end if
				if flip4macInstalled is true then
					if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".wma" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					end if
				end if
			end ignoring
			set x to x + "1"
		end repeat
		set mediaFileList to filteredmediaFileList
		-- Exits if no playable files ar found.
		set mediaFileList to filteredmediaFileList
		if the (count of mediaFileList) is 0 then
			tell me
				display dialog " Sorry - No Playable Audio Found!" with icon 2 buttons "OK" default button "OK"
				error number -128
			end tell
		end if
		-- Video files. Also prompts user for Fullscreen or Windowed playback (defaults to Fullscreen in 5-seconds).
	else if playbackMode contains "Video" then
		tell me
			display dialog "    Choose Video Playback-Style...

    *Defaulting to Fullscreen in 
     5-Seconds" with icon alias ((path to me) & "Contents:Resources:applet.icns" as string) buttons {" Windowed", "Fullscreen"} default button "Fullscreen" giving up after 5
		end tell
		set windowMode to button returned of the result
		if windowMode is not " Windowed" then
			set windowMode to "Fullscreen"
		end if
		tell application "System Events" to set mediaFileList to ((every file of mediaPath) whose visible is true) as list
		set filteredmediaFileList to {}
		set x to "1"
		set n to the number of items of mediaFileList
		repeat n times
			ignoring case and diacriticals
				if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mp4" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mov" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".avi" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".3gpp" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				end if
				if perianInstalled is true then
					if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".flv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".webm" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mkv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".ogv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mpeg" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mpg" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					end if
				end if
				if flip4macInstalled is true then
					if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".wmv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					end if
				end if
			end ignoring
			set x to x + "1"
		end repeat
		set mediaFileList to filteredmediaFileList
		-- Exits if no playable files ar found.
		set mediaFileList to filteredmediaFileList
		if the (count of mediaFileList) is 0 then
			tell me
				display dialog "Sorry - No Playable Videos Found!" with icon 2 buttons "OK" default button "OK"
				error number -128
			end tell
		end if
		-- Play all playable files.
	else if playbackMode contains "Everything!" then
		set windowMode to " Windowed"
		tell application "System Events" to set mediaFileList to ((every file of mediaPath) whose visible is true) as list
		set filteredmediaFileList to {}
		set x to "1"
		set n to the number of items of mediaFileList
		repeat n times
			ignoring case and diacriticals
				if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mp4" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mp3" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mov" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".aiff" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".avi" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".wav" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".3gpp" then
					set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
				end if
				if perianInstalled is true then
					if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".flv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".webm" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mkv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".ogg" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".ogv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mpeg" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".mpg" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".ac3" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					end if
				end if
				if flip4macInstalled is true then
					if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".wmv" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					else if name of item x of mediaFileList contains ".wma" then
						set filteredmediaFileList's end to item x of mediaFileList
					end if
				end if
			end ignoring
			set x to x + "1"
		end repeat
		set mediaFileList to filteredmediaFileList
		-- Exits if no playable files ar found.
		set mediaFileList to filteredmediaFileList
		if the (count of mediaFileList) is 0 then
			tell me
				display dialog " Sorry - No Playable Media Found!" with icon 2 buttons "OK" default button "OK"
				error number -128
			end tell
		end if
	end if
	-- Reshuffles list of files  if a random playback mode was chosen.
	if playbackMode contains "Random" then
		script s
			property l : mediaFileList
		end script
		set i to count of l of s
		repeat while i ≥ 2
			set j to random number from 1 to i
			set {item i of l of s, item j of l of s} to {item j of l of s, item i of l of s}
			set i to i - 1
		end repeat
		l of s
	end if
	-- Playback
	-- Variables Ini.
	set mediaFileListCount to the number of items of mediaFileList
	set mediaFileListRun to 1
	set qtAudioWindowScaleANDPosition to ""
	set qtVideoWindowScaleANDPosition to ""
	set qtCurrentVolume to "256"
	-- Set window-focus to QuickTime for fullscreen playback or Finder for windowed
	if windowMode is " Windowed" then
		tell application "Finder" to activate
		tell application "QuickTime Player" to activate
	end if
	-- Loads and plays each file in sequence by alphabetical (normal) or random modes as selected earlier.
	repeat mediaFileListCount times
		set currentMediaFile to ((the path of item mediaFileListRun of mediaFileList) as alias)
			tell application "QuickTime Player"
				open currentMediaFile
				set theFile to the front document
				set theFIleName to the name of theFile
			end tell
			-- Delays play until the file is loaded into QuickTime.
			set fileDuration to ""
					tell application "QuickTime Player"
						set fileDuration to the duration of theFile
					end tell
				end try
				if fileDuration is not "" then
					exit repeat
				end if
			end repeat
			-- Sets subsequent files to the same audio volume as the previous one.
			tell application "QuickTime Player"
				set the sound volume of theFile to qtCurrentVolume
				-- Windowed.
				-- Gets current file-type and sets window-size/position to match the previous one of the same type (Audio or Video).
				if windowMode is " Windowed" then
					set fileExtention to ""
					set audioExtensions to {"ac3", "aiff", "mp3", "ogg", "wav", "wma"}
					tell application "Finder" to set fileExtention to the name extension of currentMediaFile
					if audioExtensions contains fileExtention then
						set fileType to "Audio"
						set fileType to "Video"
					end if
					if fileType is "Audio" then
							tell window theFIleName to set the bounds to qtAudioWindowScaleANDPosition
						end try
							tell window theFIleName to set the bounds to qtVideoWindowScaleANDPosition
						end try
					end if
					-- Fullscreen (available only for video-only playback).
					-- Enters fullscreen.
					delay 0.33
					present theFile scale screen
					-- Starts the file playing if autoplay is not set in QuickTime Options.
					tell theFile to play
				end if
				-- Starts the file playing if autoplay is not set in QuickTime Options.
				tell theFile to play
			end tell
			-- Window Controller.
				-- QuickTime 'User Settings' checker (Primary).
				tell application "QuickTime Player"
					-- Gets current audio volume to use in subsequent files/s.
					set qtCurrentVolume to the sound volume of theFile
					if windowMode is " Windowed" then
						-- Gets current window size and position to use in subsequent file/s.
						-- Audio
						if fileType is "Audio" then
							set qtAudioWindowScaleANDPosition to the bounds of window theFIleName
							-- Video
							set qtVideoWindowScaleANDPosition to the bounds of window theFIleName
						end if
					end if
				end tell
				-- Exits script if QuickTime is quit (Primary).
				tell application "System Events"
					set qtRunning to count of (every process whose name is "QuickTime Player")
					if qtRunning is not greater than or equal to 1 then
						error number -128
					end if
				end tell
				-- Closes QuickTime window once finished playing.
				tell application "QuickTime Player"
					set fileDuration to the duration of theFile
					set currentTime to the current time of theFile
				end tell
				if currentTime = fileDuration then
					close theFile
					exit repeat
				end if
				delay 1
				-- QuickTime 'User Settings' checker (Secondary).
				tell application "QuickTime Player"
					-- Gets current audio volume to use in subsequent files/s.
					set qtCurrentVolume to the sound volume of theFile
					if windowMode is " Windowed" then
						-- Gets current window size and position to use in subsequent file/s.
						-- Audio
						if fileType is "Audio" then
							set qtAudioWindowScaleANDPosition to the bounds of window theFIleName
							-- Video
							set qtVideoWindowScaleANDPosition to the bounds of window theFIleName
						end if
					end if
				end tell
			end repeat
		end try
		-- Exits script if QuickTime is quit (Secondary).
		tell application "System Events"
			set qtRunning to count of (every process whose name is "QuickTime Player")
			if qtRunning is not greater than or equal to 1 then
				error number -128
			end if
		end tell
		-- 2-second playback delay between files and selects next item in file-list.
		delay 2
		set mediaFileListRun to mediaFileListRun + 1
	end repeat
	-- End of script.
end timeout