Passing configuration to Internet Connect

am trying to create a connection through applescript, but for some reason it never “negotiates a connection with the server”. I have done this straight from Internet Connect and it works, but doesn’t through applescript. I have a feeling that it has something to do with the configuration.

I am new to all this and would appreciate any help…

Here’s my code:

tell application “Internet Connect”
connect to telephone number “XXX-XXX” as user “XXXXX” with password “XXXXX”
endord “XXXXX”

According to the Internect Connect dictionary, a configuration must be named first.

As in

connect "my_config" to telephone number "555-5555" as user "Joe Blow" with password "open_sesame"

Configuration refers to port, in the Internet Connect app. (Title of the first popup button.)

so, in your case, it seems you’ll always word it this way:

connect “Internal Modem” to telephone number “555-5555” as user “Joe Blow” with password “open_sesame”

I do not want to depend on users creating their own config. Can I do it myself?

These aren’t custom. They are drawn from the system, based on available communication ports on the machine. If the user’s Mac has an internal modem, it’ll always be there and it’ll always read “Internal Modem”. :wink:

So, I’d almost suggest that “configuration” is exactly the right word for it, but that’s what Apple chose, so who am I to argue? :smiley:

Is it possible to script a VPN connection in Internet Connect? Doing it manually is a pain…would be great to have a script to do it.

Todd Reid