AppleScript and Cocoa reference


I have written an application running under Mac OsX (version Logiciel OS X 10.9.5 (13F34)) and now I want to drive this app through Apple Script (version AppleScript editor: Version 2.6.1 (152.1) version AppleScript: 2.3.2)

I have validated my app as scriptable and constructed the suite within a.sdef file,

In this suite, I have in class “AppDelegate” defined an Array of object called upsArray which is defined as an array of one other class called Ups

In my script definition I have specified This AppDelegate class and properties

<class name="AppDelegate" code="SCad" description="main class in SolarMaxOsX.">
	<cocoa class="AppDelegate"/>
<!-- Liste des Ups reconnus dans le fichier de configuration >-->
   	<property name="upsArray" code="obj " type="specifier" access="r" description="List of Ups">
   	<cocoa key="upsArray"/>
   	<type type="Ups"/>

And in my script to get this Ups Array, I have written:

tell application “/Users/guydesbief/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/SolarMaxOsX-cgcuhyptmpmt iegixfnbbhpexjhn/Build/Products/Debug/” to activate
set upsArrayList to a reference to upsArray

class of upsArray

And I get the error:

tell application “SolarMaxOsX”


get class of upsArray

    --> error number -1728 from upsArray

Résultat :

error “Erreur dans SolarMaxOsX : Il est impossible d’obtenir upsArray.” number -1728 from upsArray

What is wrong ?

What must I do to get the reference of upsArray

How can I get the correct reference ?

How can I get the count of this array in the script ?

Thanks for your help

Model: powerbook
AppleScript: AppleScript 2.3.2
Browser: Firefox 26.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)


first of all, all lowercase 4-letter codes are reserved by Apple, so it’s strongly recommended to use a different code.

Some other possible problems:
¢ If you provide a custom type in the SDEF file you have to define the type and implement the scriptingWithDescriptor: and scriptingDescriptor methods.
¢ the top level class in the SDEF file is “application”, the AppDelegate file is “routed” automatically
¢ The application delegate class must implement the delegateHandlesKey: method

Thanks for your answer :), i will apply every advice and I come back as soon as I have news
But it may take a few days because I have not so much time at his moment

Model: powerbook
AppleScript: AppleScript 2.3.2
Browser: Firefox 26.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)

Hi Guy,

Also, I don’t know about the other stuff you’re doing but to get the number of items in the NSArray, you can use count:


If you get Cocoa Scripting to work “ which is not trivial “ you get the count command for free

Hi Stefan,

So, you mean that you can just use ‘count someArray’ and this is not the AppleScript ‘count someList’? Or is the array being coerced to AppleScript list?


I mean the AppleScript count command, however this requires to implement the KVC method

 - (NSUInteger)countOf<Key> 

I wanted to implement the scriptingWithDescriptor: and scriptingDescriptor methods
for instance if new type is “Ups” (which is actually a Dictionary/record) for instance must I have to implement in Cocoa Ups class ?
In which class must I have to implement these two methods ?
I did not find any sample code for these 2 methods
Has anyone one sample ?

Model: powerbook
AppleScript: AppleScript 2.3.2
Browser: Firefox 26.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.8)

record is a standard type, why do you want to define a custom one?

Cocoa Scripting is quite complicated and hard to debug, unfortunately the documentation does not cover any detail
Cocoa Scripting Guide