Script "stalls", help please...

Apologis for not necessarily providing the best description of the problem but it is had to do in a few words so here is the more detailed description…the first time I run the script it hangs in that it i) opens Excel but nothing happens (i.e. no further commands are executed), the second (and subsequent) times I run Excel the script runs flawlessly.

I thought the problem was the delay / latency in opening Excel before the subsequent commands could be excited so added a but of “delay” commands but that did no solve the problem.

I would appreciate someone showing me how to to fix the problem. If you want to run / text the script (which is self contained) please make sure you comment out the Moom tell block which is used solely to centre Excel on my monitor.

Thanks in advance,


-- Create a dialog box to inform the user that the script is running
-- This is the code to be used when placing the dialog box outside of a tell block
set time1 to current date
set progress completed steps to 10 -- Note this read "progress total steps" which resulted in the step number in the bottom corner of the dialog box
repeat with i from 1 to 10
	set progress description to "Processing " & (i - 1) & " of " & 10
do shell script "sleep 0.5" -- Commented out as no need to count step number in bottom corner of dialog box
	set progress completed steps to i -- Commented out as no need to count step number in bottom corner of dialog box
end repeat
-- display dialog ((current date) - time1) as text -- Commented out as no need for a dialog box that list number of seconds to complete the script

tell application "Contacts"
	-- Set variables
	set firstNames to {} -- List of all first names from all Contacts
	set lastNames to {} -- List of all last names from all Contacts
	set orgNames to {} -- List of all organization names from all Contacts	
	set phoneNumbers to {} -- List of all work telephone numbers from all Contacts
	set myList to {} -- List of all first names, last names, organization names, work telephone numbers and "first name last name" combinations from all Contacts
	set myListNames to {} -- List of all "first name last name" combinations from all Contacts
	set myListNamesUnique to {} -- List of myListNames WITH DUPLICATE ENTRIES REMOVED
	set myListUnique to {} -- List of myList WITH DUPLICATE ENTRIES REMOVED
	set myListNamesDuplicate to {} -- List of myListNames DUPLICATES
	set myListDuplicate to {} -- List of myList DUPLICATES ENTRIES
	set myListPhantom to {} -- List of myList PHANTOM ENTRIES 
	-- Set / extract the Contact first names, last names, organization names and work telephone numbers
	set {firstNames, lastNames, orgNames, phoneNumbers} to {first name, last name, organization, value of every phone whose label is "work"} of every person
	repeat with i from 1 to count lastNames
		if item i of firstNames is equal to missing value then set item i of firstNames to " "
		if item i of lastNames is equal to missing value then set item i of lastNames to " "
		if item i of orgNames is equal to missing value then set item i of orgNames to " "
		if item i of phoneNumbers is equal to missing value then set item i of phoneNumbers to " "
	end repeat
	(* log lastNames -- Commented out as inserted for testing purposes
	log firstNames 
	log orgNames 
	log phoneNames*)
	repeat with i from 1 to (count lastNames)
		set end of myList to {i, item i of firstNames, item i of lastNames, item i of orgNames, item i of phoneNumbers, item i of firstNames & " " & item i of lastNames}
		set end of myListNames to (item i of firstNames & " " & item i of lastNames)
	end repeat
	-- Set / create the list of duplicate entries and unique entries noting that the test is based on matching "first name last name" as an "extended test" [i.e a test that also includes other contact properties] would not produce the correct results [i.e. two contact records that identical in every sense except the first record has the organization as ACME while the second record has the organization as ACME Inc. would not be identified as being a duplicate]. 
	repeat with i from 1 to (count myListNames)
		if (((count of item 2 of item i of myList) < 2) and ((count of item 3 of item i of myList) < 2) and ((count of item 4 of item i of myList) < 2)) then
			set end of myListPhantom to item i of myList -- Ignore / kickout the phantom contacts
			if ((item i of myListNames is not in myListNamesUnique) or (((count of item 3 of item i of myList) < 2) and (item 4 of item i of myList > 1))) then -- The "or" portion of the test is to include retailers, restaurants, etc. where i) there is no first name or last name but ii) there is an organization name.  WIthout this added test these contact records would eb considered duplicates because there "first nane last name" combination [i.e. " "] would be in myListNamesUnique
				set end of myListNamesUnique to item i of myListNames
				set end of myListUnique to item i of myList
				set end of myListNamesDuplicate to item i of myListNames
				set end of myListDuplicate to item i of myList
			end if
		end if
	end repeat
	(* log "myList"  -- Commented our as inserted for testing purposes
	log myList
	set myListCount to count myList
	set myListUniqueCount to count myListUnique
	set myListDuplicateCount to count myListDuplicate
	set myListPhantomCount to count myListPhantom
	log "myListCount " & myListCount
	log "myListUniqueCount " & myListUniqueCount
	log "myListDuplicateCount " & myListDuplicateCount
	log "myListPhantomCount " & myListPhantomCount
	log "Duplicate Listing"
	log myListDuplicate
	log "Phantom Listing"
	log myListPhantom *)
end tell

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	delay 5.0
	-- Get current date in YYYYMMDD format	
	set currentDate to current date
	set dateFunction to load script POSIX file "/Users/JoelC/Documents/Apple/Scripts/Utilities/20141227_script to convert a date in seconds to a date in yyyymmdd.scpt" as alias
	set dateReturned to dateYYYYMMDD(currentDate) of dateFunction
	set currentDateYYYYMMDD to dateReturned
	-- Make and name a new workbook
	make new workbook
	set theBook to the active workbook
	set theSheet to the active sheet of the theBook
	-- Move the workbook to the centre and forefront of the screen
	delay 1.0
	tell application "Moom"
		arrange windows according to snapshot named "Align Microsoft Excel"
	end tell
	-- Set the magniifcation / zoom percentage
	delay 1.0
	set zoom of the active window to 100
	-- Set the column widths in the new workbook for readability
	delay 1.0
	set column width of the first column of theSheet to 3
	set column width of the second column of theSheet to 5
	set column width of the third column of theSheet to 20
	set column width of the fourth column of theSheet to 70
	set column width of the fifth column of theSheet to 3
	-- Set and format the column heading and titles
	delay 1.0
	set myRangeCells to range ("B2:D2") of theSheet
	set weight of (get border of myRangeCells which border edge top) to border weight thick
	set borderWeightLog to get weight of (get border of myRangeCells which border edge top)
	set insertedTextTop to "Contact Records Which Appear Two or More Times" as string
	set insertedTextBottom to "Selected Contact Source:  Work's Exchange Server"
	set myRangeTop to range ("B3:B3") of theSheet
	set myRangeBottom to range ("B4:B4") of theSheet
	set value of myRangeTop to insertedTextTop
	set value of myRangeBottom to insertedTextBottom
	set myRangeCells to range ("B7:D7") of theSheet
	set weight of (get border of myRangeCells which border edge top) to border weight thin
	set borderWeightLog to get weight of (get border of myRangeCells which border edge top)
	set myRangeCells to range ("B3:B3")
	set font size of font object of myRangeCells to 16
	set font style of font object of myRangeCells to "Bold"
	set fontStyleLog to (get font style of font object of myRangeCells)
	set myRangeCells to range ("B4:B4")
	set font style of font object of myRangeCells to "Bold"
	-- set fontStyleLog to (get font style of font object of myRangeCells)
	-- log fontStyleLog
	set InsertedTextBottom1 to "Count"
	set InsertedtextBottom2 to "Name"
	set InsertedTextBottom3 to "Organization"
	set myRangeBottom1 to range ("B9:B9") of theSheet
	set myRangeBottom2 to range ("C9:C9") of theSheet
	set myRangeBottom3 to range ("D9:D9") of theSheet
	set value of myRangeTop to insertedTextTop
	set value of myRangeBottom1 to InsertedTextBottom1
	set value of myRangeBottom2 to InsertedtextBottom2
	set value of myRangeBottom3 to InsertedTextBottom3
	set myRangeCells to range ("B9:D9") of theSheet
	set horizontal alignment of myRangeCells to horizontal align center
	set myRangeCells to range ("B11:C100000") of theSheet
	set horizontal alignment of myRangeCells to horizontal align center
	set myRangeCells to range ("B9:D9")
	-- set font size of font object of myRangeCells to 16
	set font style of font object of myRangeCells to "Bold"
	set myRangeCells to range ("B9:D9") of theSheet
	set weight of (get border of myRangeCells which border edge bottom) to border weight thin
	set borderWeightLog to get weight of (get border of myRangeCells which border edge bottom)
	-- Import myListDuplicates
	delay 1.0
	repeat with i from 1 to count of myListDuplicate
		set value of cell ("B" & (10 + i) as string) to i
		set value of cell ("C" & (10 + i) as string) to item 6 of item i of myListDuplicate
		if item 4 of item i of myListDuplicate < 2 then set item 4 of item i of myListDuplicate to "Organization field is blank"
		set value of cell ("D" & (10 + i) as string) to item 4 of item i of myListDuplicate
	end repeat
	sort range ("C11:D" & (10 + (count of myListDuplicate) as string)) of worksheet theSheet key1 (range "C11" of worksheet theSheet) key2 (range "D11" of worksheet theSheet)
	-- Set the name of the spreadsheet to be saved
	set userName to do shell script "whoami"
	set fileNameSaved to "Macintosh HD:Users:" & userName & ":Desktop:" & currentDateYYYYMMDD & "_contact records which appear two or more times.xls"
	-- Save the workbook / spreadsheet
	tell theBook
		save workbook as theBook filename fileNameSaved overwrite yes
	end tell
	-- Test, and depending on the test result, close the spreadsheet
	display dialog "Do you want to close the Excel spreadsheet which lists those contact records which appear two or more times?" buttons {"Yes", "No"} default button 2 giving up after 5
	set spreadsheetClose to button returned of result
	if ((spreadsheetClose = "Yes") is true) then quit
end tell


actually the command to launch an application is launch rather than open and usually there is no explicit delay needed.

Stefan, appreciate the suggesting and will try it later today and report back.

Hey Joel,

launch will launch an app in the background.

If you want it to come forward then use activate.

Also “ it’s considered poor practice to embed tell-app blocks within other tell-app blocks.

If you need to it’s generally better to use a handler.

Oh, you can tell Excel yourself how to arrange its windows “ no need for Moom.

tell application "Microsoft Excel"
	set bounds of front window to {228, 23, 1542, 1196}
end tell


{ MacBookPro6,1 · 2.66 GHz Intel Core i7 · 8GB RAM · OSX 10.11.1 }

Stefan and Chris:

Although I appreciate your help you suggestions did not solve the problem (i.e. the original problem still exists)…any other ideas?



Anybody have any further ideas or solutions for this as it is driving me nuts nit being able to figure this out…thx!

Maybe the script to create the formatted date causes the problem.


-- Get current date in YYYYMMDD format    
   set currentDate to current date
   set dateFunction to load script POSIX file "/Users/JoelC/Documents/Apple/Scripts/Utilities/20141227_script to convert a date in seconds to a date in yyyymmdd.scpt" as alias
   set dateReturned to dateYYYYMMDD(currentDate) of dateFunction
   set currentDateYYYYMMDD to dateReturned


set currentDateYYYYMMDD to do shell script "date +%Y%m%d"

and put the line before the Excel tell block

I have been thinking about this for a bit and have concluded that a better approach to solving this problem would be commenting out various blocks of code one at a time (i.e. file name related code and inserting a temporary name in its place, etc.) to determine the offending code.

The problem with this approach is that it is very labour / time intensive and to this end would like to know whether there is an easier way to identify the offending code that is causing things to hang.

Thanks for your help.

I am travelling on business with a “down day” and it is pouring rain so I decided to take a brute force approach to identifying the problematic code…

The problem – after some trial error - is related to the embedded Moom block which for some reason I) does not work / respond when the application is first run but ii) does work / respond when subsequently run.

To “patch” the problem I replaced the Moom block with the code suggested by ccstone above (i.e. I specified the co-ordinates of the Excel window) and all was well.

While the above “patch” works I would prefer to retain the Moom code because the Window position will automatically adjust whenever I change the Moom snapshot. I would therefore appreciate any and insight into how to get the Moom block to work.


Apologies for all the posts but, as I said, it is a rainy day here…

Problem solved but I honestly don’t understand why in that:

  1. I dug into the Moom help file only to discover that there is no need for the open command in that the Moom help file contains the following:
  1. This confuses me because I thought an applications ALWAYS had to be opened. Is my understanding generally correct with Moom (and possibly others being the exception) or am I wrong?



Hey Joel,

I’m not certain what you mean by OPENED.

In order to be scripted an application needs to run, and most applications will start up once you invoke their terminology in a script.

An app does NOT have to be frontmost in order to be scripted (with a few exceptions like private clipboards and GUI-Scripting).

This works perfectly well for me with Moom running.

tell application "Moom"
	arrange windows according to snapshot named "test-moom"
end tell

If you invoke Moom in a script with it NOT running you could possibly have some timing issues due to the app-startup-process.

Although you say the Moom script is the problem, you DON’T say how.


Hey Joel,

The joys (not) of debugging scripts is why people plunk down $199.00 for Script Debugger.

Being able to trace and step-through code has saved me from pulling my hair out many times.


Chris, please see post number 10 in this thread where I state how!

Chris, noted,this is on my list of buys when I next sit down to write some code!



Hey Joel,

Oh, I see. That’s not evident (to me) unless I reread the original script.

Open is absolutely the wrong verb in the context you were using it.

Run, launch, or activate are correct.

Open is generally used in this sort of context:

# Assuming you have a text file on the Desktop.
set theDesktop to path to desktop folder

tell application "System Events"
	set theFile to path of first file of theDesktop whose type identifier is "public.plain-text"
end tell

tell application "TextEdit"
	open file theFile
end tell


Chris, thanks, much appreciated…