Digital Asset Management Software that is scriptable

We are looking into Digital Asset Management software. One of the things we would love to do is add keywords to our product images using a script. I’ve written a sample script that would add keywords based on each dropped image’s filename to give everyone a better idea of what I’m trying to accomplish.

Since this is MacScripter and people here use macs and scripts, I was wondering if anyone knows of Digital Asset Management Software that has scripting capabilities. It would be great if the DAM software has AppleScript capabilities, but, if it doesn’t, JavaScript or other scripting languages may also work. Thanks Much! Any guidance on this is greatly appreciated! :slight_smile:

on open of droppedfiles
	with timeout of 900 seconds -->Changing timeout to 15 minutes. Default is 2 minutes.
		repeat with afile in droppedfiles
			tell application "Finder"
				set fileName to name of afile as string
			end tell

			if text 1 thru 2 of fileName contains "AG" then
				display dialog "Agriculture"
				--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
				--Code to add keyword "Agriculture" would go here
				--end tell
			else if text 1 thru 2 of fileName contains "AU" then
				display dialog "Automotive"
				--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
				--Code to add keyword "Automotive" would go here
				--end tell
			end if
			--More prefixes would go here


			if fileName contains "Adidas" or fileName contains "adidas" then
				display dialog "Adidas"
				--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
				--Code to add keyword "Adidas" would go here
				--end tell
			else if fileName contains "Alfred" and fileName contains "Dunner" then
				display dialog "Alfred Dunner"
				--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
				--Code to add keyword "Alfred Dunner" would go here
				--end tell

			end if

			-- More vendor names would go here	

			--Creating a list of all single digit numbers
			set numberList to {"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"}
			--Finding a six digit number that starts within the first few characters of the filename
			if numberList contains (text 3 of fileName as string) then
				if numberList does not contain text 9 of fileName as string then
					if numberList contains (text 8 of fileName as string) then
						display dialog text 3 thru 8 of fileName as string
						--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
						--Code to add keyword SKU Number: (text 3 thru 8 of fileName as string) would go here
						--end tell
					end if
				end if
			else if numberList contains (text 4 of fileName as string) then
				if numberList does not contain text 10 of fileName as string then
					if numberList contains (text 9 of fileName as string) then
						display dialog text 4 thru 9 of fileName as string
						--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
						--Code to add keyword SKU Number: (text 4 thru 9 of fileName as string) would go here
						--end tell
					end if
				end if
			else if numberList contains (text 5 of fileName as string) then
				if numberList does not contain text 11 of fileName as string then
					if numberList contains (text 10 of fileName as string) then
						display dialog text 5 thru 10 of fileName as string
						--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
						--Code to add keyword SKU Number: (text 5 thru 10 of fileName as string) would go here
						--end tell
					end if
				end if


			if fileName contains "(" and fileName contains ")" then
				set leftParen to "("
				set rightParen to ")"
				--Getting the month from the filename
				set monthOffset to (offset of leftParen in fileName) + 1 -->returns character right after (
				set fileNameMonth to character monthOffset of fileName
				--Getting all digits of the year from the filename
				set fileNameYearOffset1 to (offset of leftParen in fileName) + 3
				set fileNameYearOffset2 to (offset of rightParen in fileName) - 1
				set fileNameYear1 to character fileNameYearOffset1 of fileName
				set fileNameYear2 to character fileNameYearOffset2 of fileName
				set fileNameYear to characters fileNameYearOffset1 thru fileNameYearOffset2 of fileName
				set fileNameDate to fileNameMonth & "/" & fileNameyear
				display dialog "Date: " & fileNameDate as string
				--tell application "Database/Digital Asset Management Program"
				--Code to add keyword fileNameDate would go here
				--end tell
			end if

		end repeat
	end timeout
end open

A lot of people use Filemaker Pro for a DAMS. Accepts and displays many formats and has excellent Applescript and built-in scripting capabilities.

Why do you coerce string to string

set fileName to name of afile as string

and later another 12(!) times

fileName as string


The name property is always string. The coercion is completely useless in all occurrences.


set fileName to name of afile


if numberList contains (text 3 of fileName) then
-- and so on

Thanks Stefan. Good to know.

Thanks Kerflooey for the suggestion. I will definitely look into Filemaker.