Recently I created a script object that returns an iTunes status message. This script snippet can come in handy when you plan to write your own custom AppleScript solution for showing the world what you are currently listening to in iTunes (in your eMail signature, in iChat, on your website, you name it).
Now you don’t need to waste your time and write your own custom routine to ask iTunes for the track informations. Just open the long scriplet below in your Script Editor, copy the whole script object to your code and use it like follows:
set curstat to my iTunesStat's getcurstat()
The script object so far supports detailed status messages for file tracks, audio CD tracks and URL tracks. Only shared tracks are not yet supported, as they are evil (you never know, what a shared track really is: a file track, an URL track?).
If a playing track does not offer all necessary informations, the script will nevertheless choose an appropriate status message. Here is an example:
If all necessary track infos (title, artist, album) are available, a complete status message like follows will be returned:
“I am currently listening to Me & Mr. Jones by Amy Winehouse from the album Back to Black.”
If the album name is missing, the script chooses another status message template:
“I am currently listening to Me & Mr. Jones by Amy Winehouse.”
Of course, all status message templates can easily be edited in the script object.
The script code was successfully tested on Mac OS X 10.5.2 using iTunes 7.6.2, but will most probably also work on earlier versions. Just give it a try.
-- created: 18.03.2008
-- The getcurstat function of the iTunesStat script object will return an iTunes
-- status message like "iTunes is currently not running on my Mac."
-- The various status message templates can be edited. iTunesStat currently
-- supports detailed status messages when a local file track/audio CD track
-- or URL track is playing. shared tracks are not yet supported.
my iTunesStat's getcurstat()
script iTunesStat
-- Status Message Templates
-- iTunes is not running / playing
property statmsg_itnotrunning : "iTunes is currently not running on my Mac."
property statmsg_itnotplaying : "iTunes is currently not playing on my Mac."
-- iTunes is playing a local file track/audio CD track
-- statmsg_titartalb > title, artist & album information is available for the currently playing track
-- statmsg_artalb > only artist and album information is available for the currently playing track
-- ...
property statmsg_titartalb : "I am currently listening to $title$ by $artist$ from the album $album$."
property statmsg_titart : "I am currently listening to $title$ by $artist$."
property statmsg_titalb : "I am currently listening to $title$ from the album $album$."
property statmsg_artalb : "I am currently listening to a song by $artist$ from the album $album$."
property statmsg_alb : "I am currently listening to a song from the album $album$."
property statmsg_art : "I am currently listening to a song by $artist$."
property statmsg_tit : "I am currently listening to a song named $title$."
-- no track info at all :(
property statmsg_unknown : "I am currently listening to a very mysterious song."
-- iTunes is playing an internet stream/radio
property statmsg_iradio : "I am currently listening to the internet stream $stream$ at <$url$>."
-- iTunes is playing an unsupported track class, hence a shared track
-- shared tracks are evil!
property statmsg_unsupported : "I am currently listening to an unsupported track class and enjoying it!"
-- I am the main function of this script object and return the current iTunes status
on getcurstat()
if not my appisrunning("iTunes") then
set curstat to statmsg_itnotrunning
if not my itunesisplaying() then
set curstat to statmsg_itnotplaying
set curtrack to my getcurtrack()
set curstat to my getstatmsg(curtrack)
end if
end if
return curstat
end getcurstat
-- I am indicating if a given application is currently running or not
-- only the (full) application name must be given, e.g. "Address Book"
on appisrunning(appname)
tell application "System Events"
set processnames to name of every process
end tell
if appname is in processnames then
return true
return false
end if
end appisrunning
-- I am indicating if iTunes is currently playing or not
on itunesisplaying()
tell application "iTunes"
if player state is playing then
return true
return false
end if
end tell
end itunesisplaying
-- I am returning the currently playing track in iTunes
on getcurtrack()
tell application "iTunes"
return current track
end tell
end getcurtrack
-- I am returning an iTunes status message based on the given track
on getstatmsg(ittrack)
-- getting infos about the given track
tell application "iTunes"
if class of ittrack is file track or class of ittrack is audio CD track then
set trackclass to (class of ittrack) as Unicode text
set tracktit to name of ittrack
set trackart to artist of ittrack
set trackalb to album of ittrack
else if class of ittrack is URL track then
set trackclass to (class of ittrack) as Unicode text
set trackstr to name of ittrack
set trackurl to address of ittrack
set trackclass to "unsupported"
end if
end tell
-- creating the status message
if trackclass is "file track" or trackclass is "audio CD track" then
-- determining which track information is available
set availinfo to ""
if tracktit is not missing value and tracktit is not "" then
set availinfo to availinfo & "tit"
end if
if trackart is not missing value and trackart is not "" then
set availinfo to availinfo & "art"
end if
if trackalb is not missing value and trackalb is not "" then
set availinfo to availinfo & "alb"
end if
log availinfo
-- choosing the appropriate status message template
-- based upon the available track information
if availinfo is "" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_unknown
else if availinfo is "titartalb" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_titartalb
else if availinfo is "titart" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_titart
else if availinfo is "titalb" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_titalb
else if availinfo is "artalb" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_artalb
else if availinfo is "alb" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_alb
else if availinfo is "art" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_art
else if availinfo is "tit" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_tit
end if
-- inserting the track information into the status message template
set statmsg to my tagstoinfos(tmpstatmsg, {"$title$", "$artist$", "$album$"}, {tracktit, trackart, trackalb})
else if trackclass is "URL track" then
set tmpstatmsg to statmsg_iradio
set statmsg to my tagstoinfos(tmpstatmsg, {"$stream$", "$url$"}, {trackstr, trackurl})
set statmsg to statmsg_unsupported
end if
return statmsg
end getstatmsg
-- I am replacing found tags in a text with the corresponding infos
-- I am a silly, but working template engine :)
on tagstoinfos(txt, tags, infos)
set counttags to length of tags
repeat with i from 1 to counttags
set tag to (item i of tags) as Unicode text
set info to (item i of infos) as Unicode text
set txt to my searchnreplace(tag, info, txt)
end repeat
return txt
end tagstoinfos
-- I am a very old search & replace function, that my master
-- Martin still likes to use
-- This time I am working as a slave for the template engine
-- above
on searchnreplace(searchstr, replacestr, txt)
considering case, diacriticals and punctuation
if txt contains searchstr then
set olddelims to AppleScript's text item delimiters
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {searchstr}
set txtitems to text items of txt
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to {replacestr}
set txt to txtitems as Unicode text
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to olddelims
end if
end considering
return txt
end searchnreplace
end script