A Hi and welcome!

Hello world! This is my first post on MacScripter. Besides my general need for learning AppleScript easier, and I would enjoy some tutorials. I am very much a visual learner, so if I can have some examples, the more the better. Also, I would be best off if those who are offering tutorials to me could give me some key visuals to help me remember the different AppleScript items.

Also, I do need some help getting some code for the following and just more general help with the coding. I need AppleScript code for: 1. A password generator that can have options like (type in length of password, just numbers, numbers and letters, symbols numbers and letters, ect…) 2. More of a general question(s), how do I develop code for the iPod touch and iPhone apps, is it AppleScript, if so can I do that without using the iPhone SDK? 3. I need code to delete files (moves them to the trash and empties the trash). 4. How do I change the homepage to a selected URL in Safari and Firefox with AppleScript? 5. Is there such AppleScript code that allows me to put in this app to any computer and it installs the apps that are on the disk with this app automatically?

Thanks everyone.



  1. there are some shareware/freeware projects to generate passwords, so it’s not needed to reinvent the wheel :wink:
  2. the native language for iPhone OS is Objective-C. AFAIK AppleScripts don’t work at all.
  3. the easist way to delete files permanently is the shell command rm
do shell script "/bin/rm '/path/to/file.ext'"
  1. For Safari something like this

quit application "Safari"
do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write com.apple.Safari HomePage 'http://www.myFavoriteSite'"
do shell script "/usr/bin/defaults write com.apple.Safari NewWindowBehavior -int 0"
launch application "Safari"
  1. this is probably possible

Ok thanks! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D!

  1. is there anyway to do the Safari thing in Firefox too and program it in AppleScript?

  2. How do I do it?



sorry, I don’t use FireFox because it’s the worst scriptable application in the world :wink: