A little help with my Automator action.

For some reason the below applescript works well all by itself in AppleScript Editor, yet when I try to run it in Automator an error comes up which says the following:

It highlights theTitle in the below applescript.

on run
	set {dChange, chAnge, Csum, oName, oPost, sName, sPost} to (inputItems for {"¢ Date of Change", "¢ Summary", "¢ Change", "¢ Who created the change (name)", "¢ Who created the change (post)", "¢ Person Logging (name)", "¢ Person Logging (post)"} with title given prompt:"Enter the following items separated by a carriage return:")
end run

to inputItems for someItems given title:theTitle, prompt:thePrompt
	if thePrompt is in {true, false} then -- "with" or "without" prompt
		if thePrompt then
			set thePrompt to "Input the following items:" & return & return & return & return & return & return & return -- default
			set thePrompt to ""
		end if
	else -- fix up the prompt a bit
		set thePrompt to thePrompt & return & return & return & return & return & return & return
	end if
	if theTitle is in {true, false} then if theTitle then -- "with" or "without" title
		set theTitle to "Changes Log Input" -- default
		set theTitle to ""
	end if
	if class of someItems is integer then -- no item list
		set {theCount, someItems} to {someItems, ""}
		if thePrompt is not "" then set thePrompt to text 1 thru -2 of thePrompt
		set theCount to (count someItems)
	end if
	if theCount is less than 1 then error "Input Changes Error:  Empty input list."
	set {theItems, theInput} to {{}, {}}
	repeat theCount times -- set the number of lines in the input
		set the end of theInput to ""
	end repeat
	set {tempTID, AppleScript's text item delimiters} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, return}
	set {someItems, theInput} to {someItems as text, theInput as text}
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to ","
	set theInput to paragraphs of text returned of (display dialog thePrompt & someItems with title theTitle default answer theInput)
	repeat with anItem from 1 to theCount -- pad/truncate entered items
			set the end of theItems to (item anItem of theInput)
		on error
			set the end of theItems to ","
		end try
	end repeat
	return theItems as string
end inputItems

Can anyone figure out what I am doing wrong here?



change it to :

tell application "System Events"
		set theInput to paragraphs of text returned of (display dialog thePrompt & someItems with title theTitle default answer theInput)
	end tell

When I took out the Title property from the dialog. I got a single text line and prompt that did not look correct.
this tells me Automator does not understand the dialogue code as you would expect it to.

So I put it in something I know should understand it as I expect.

Mark, Thanks a lot. That worked perfectly.

