A script for finding images with missing original files in Photos.app

I’ve posted this solution on SO: https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/449087/17533

Here’s the code again, for completeness and improvement suggestions:

use scripting additions

set path_to_photos_library to POSIX path of (choose file of type ¬
	"com.apple.photos.library" with prompt ¬
	"Choose the photos library that Photos.app currently uses" default location path to pictures folder)

-- Get the current selection from Photos
set selectedIDs to {}
if application "Photos" is running then
	tell application "Photos"
		local media_items
		set media_items to selection
		repeat with media_item in media_items
			set end of selectedIDs to id of media_item
		end repeat
		quit -- need to quit Photos so that we can access its database
		delay 0.5
	end tell
end if

-- Make sure the database is accessible and determine which DB version to use
		local files_dir
		do shell script "sqlite3 " & quoted form of path_to_photos_library ¬
			& "database/photos.db 'SELECT value FROM LiGlobals WHERE keyPath=\"metaSchemaVersion\"'"
		ignoring white space
			if result = "2" then
				set db_version to 2
				set files_dir to "Masters"
				set db_name to "photos.db"
			else if result = "3" then
				set db_version to 3
				set files_dir to "originals"
				set db_name to "Photos.sqlite"
				my showMessage("Sorry, the database appears to be in an unsupported format.")
			end if
		end ignoring
		set db_path to quoted form of path_to_photos_library & "database/" & db_name
		set files_path to path_to_photos_library & files_dir & "/"
		delay 0.1
		exit repeat
	on error
		display dialog "Can't access database - make sure Photos.app is quit, then click OK"
	end try
end repeat

-- Determine the file paths by querying the photos database
if selectedIDs is {} then
	set where_clause to ""
	if db_version = 2 then
		set where_clause to ¬
			" JOIN RKVersion v ON (m.uuid=v.masterUuid)" & ¬
			" WHERE v.uuid IN (\"" & joinText(selectedIDs, "\",\"") & "\")"
		-- need to remove the "/L0/001" suffix from the IDs first
		set uuids to {}
		repeat with anID in selectedIDs
			set end of uuids to first item of splitText(anID, "/")
		end repeat
		set where_clause to " WHERE ZUUID IN (\"" & joinText(uuids, "\",\"") & "\")"
	end if
end if
if db_version = 2 then
	set sql to " 'SELECT m.imagePath FROM RKMaster m" & where_clause & "'"
	set sql to " 'SELECT printf(\"%s/%s\",ZDIRECTORY,ZFILENAME) FROM ZASSET" & where_clause & "'"
end if
do shell script "sqlite3 " & db_path & sql
set check_paths to my splitText(result, return)
delay 0.1

-- Check the availability of every file
set missing_paths to {}
repeat with relPath in check_paths
	set fullPath to (files_path & relPath)
	set theFile to POSIX file fullPath
		(theFile as alias)
	on error
		set end of missing_paths to relPath as string
	end try
end repeat

if missing_paths is {} then
	my showMessage("Found no missing files")
end if

-- Query the database again to get the ids of the images that reference the missing files
if db_version = 2 then
	do shell script "sqlite3 " & db_path & ¬
		" 'SELECT v.uuid FROM RKMaster m JOIN RKVersion v ON (m.uuid=v.masterUuid)" & ¬
		" WHERE m.imagePath IN (\"" & joinText(missing_paths, "\",\"") & "\")'"
	set missing_ids to my splitText(result, return)
	do shell script "sqlite3 " & db_path & ¬
		" WHERE printf(\"%s/%s\",ZDIRECTORY,ZFILENAME) IN (\"" & joinText(missing_paths, "\",\"") & "\")'"
	set missing_ids to my splitText(result, return)
end if
delay 0.1

-- Launch Photos, locate the images by their ids and add them to the "missing images" album
tell application "Photos"
	set unlocated to {}
	set missing_items to {}
	set all_items to media items
	repeat with anID in missing_ids
			if db_version = 2 then
				set anItem to media item id anID
				set anItem to media item id (anID & "L0/001")
			end if
			set end of missing_items to anItem
		on error
			set end of unlocated to anID
		end try
	end repeat
	if missing_items is {} then
		my showMessage("Can't locate the images for the missing files." & return & return & ¬
			"Make sure you choose the same library that Photos.app currently uses!")
		if unlocated is not {} then
			display dialog "" & (count of unlocated) & " missing items could not be found in Photos.app" & ¬
				return & return & "This means that the script needs to be updated to handle this."
		end if
		if not (exists album "missing images") then
			make new album named "missing images"
		end if
		set dest to album "missing images"
		add missing_items to dest
		my showMessage("Found " & (count of missing_items) & " missing files")
	end if
end tell

-- Finished

on showMessage(theText)
	display dialog theText buttons "OK" default button "OK"
end showMessage

on splitText(theText, theDelimiter)
	set old_delimts to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	set theTextItems to every text item of theText
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delimts
	return theTextItems
end splitText

on joinText(theList, theDelimiter)
	set old_delimts to AppleScript's text item delimiters
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to theDelimiter
	set theText to theList as string
	set AppleScript's text item delimiters to old_delimts
	return theText
end joinText

Thanks for posting the script that got me interested. Unfortunately, the query throws an error on my database: “Unable to find table ‘ZASSET’”. My database version is 3.