A simple script for IRC.

I’ve been trying to get some scripts running for an IRC client on my Mac.
Unfortunately I can’t seem to find that many clients that work well and that I enjoy.

I recently downloaded Textual from the App Store and so far it’s been great.
Playing around with the scripts that came with the program I’ve been able to replicate simple one line scripts
that return lines of text with the command.

My goal is to create a script that inputs 4 lines of text into the IRC client with one command.
And this has been a tad tough because I don’t know anyone proficient in AppleScript which is what Textual uses.

Based on the minuscule amount of knowledge I have with AppleScript I have made this script work.

on textualcmd()
		return "Testing"
end textualcmd

This would input “Testing” into the client, and I’ve determined that I can use this script to input any singular command into IRC.

The following is what I have, and others I’ve conferred with who have some knowledge with perl and python, been able to put together under the assumption that it should work.

The goal is to input all 4 lines of text into the IRC client with a single command.
Preferably with a 1 second delay between each line input.

on textualcmd()
	return "/nick BattleBot"
	return "Glaumora Protocol initiated."
	return "Send them to Hagsmire!"
	return "/mode +im"
end textualcmd