A question that seems to crop up from time to time goes something like this: "Can I create a dialog to take more than one entry in the same panel?
Typical advice might range from building a custom dialog in AppleScript Studio/Xcode to using a third-party scripting addition (OSAX) - such as 24U Appearance. All worthy suggestions since, depending on exactly what’s required, most of the proposed solutions offer a variety of benefits. But they could also involve an additional learning curve, cost or complication that the enquirer may prefer to avoid - especially if the immediate aim is not overly ambitious.
Often, the purpose is merely to produce a dialog that takes a list as input. Ideally, this would allow the user to enter the list in a single panel, review it in context, edit items as required - and then, finally, confirm the result. Such a feature might be useful as a front end for entering data into some kind of database, or simply as a means of jotting down a general-purpose list. What a pity it can’t be achieved with vanilla AppleScript…
Or can it?
The script below shows a way to extend a regular dialog so that it accepts multiple line entries. It then goes on to output entries - formatted either as text or as a list. Of course, the trick here is not really in the script - but in Standard Additions, which accepts the insertion of return characters in a dialog’s default answer. However, the script demonstrates how the input and output could be formatted - and the multi_dialog handler might be handy for creating a series of multiple-entry dialogs more easily.
The following notes may help:
The script, which includes a few syntax examples, also demonstrates how the size of a dialog’s entry panel is defined by the prompt list:
on multi_dialog for q given listing:l
tell q as list
set {a, b, c} to {{}, beginning, count}
set v to b's class is integer
if v then set {c, v, q} to {b, b is 0, rest}
end tell
if v then set c to 30
repeat c + 1 div (1 + (system attribute "sysv") div 4160) times
set a's end to ""
end repeat
set {d, text item delimiters} to {text item delimiters, return}
set {q, a, text item delimiters} to {q as string, a as string, d}
set r to (display dialog q default answer a)'s text returned
if not v then tell r & a
if l then return items 1 thru c of paragraphs
if c > 1 then return text 1 thru paragraph c
end tell
tell r to repeat with i from (count paragraphs) to 1 by -1
if (count paragraph i) is not 0 then
if l then return paragraphs 1 thru i
return text 1 thru paragraph i
end if
end repeat
if l then return {}
end multi_dialog
-- demonstration --
property l : {"1] Name: {items: 2, length: fixed, output: list}",
"2] Address: {items: 3, length: fixed, output: list}",
"3] Reasons: {items: 6, length: fixed, output: list}",
"4] ToDo List: {items: ?, length: variable, output: text}",
"5] Standard: {items: 1, length: variable, output: text}"}
property d : l's item 1
tell (choose from list l default items d with prompt "Choose a multi-dialog demonstration:")
if it is false then error number -128
set d to it
set i to item 1's item 1 as integer
end tell
-- syntax examples --
if i is 1 then
multi_dialog for {"... What is your first name?", "... And your last name?"} with listing
else if i is 2 then
multi_dialog for {3, "Please enter your:", "", "1: house number & street name", "2: city/area", "3: zip code"} with listing
else if i is 3 then
multi_dialog for {6, "List up to six reasons to be cheerful:"} with listing
else if i is 4 then
multi_dialog for {0, "To Do list for " & (current date)'s weekday & ":"} with listing
multi_dialog for "Did you *really* just want a standard dialog?" without listing
end if