The script below produces accurate tables of Moon Phases, besides tell you the current phase of the Moon.
You need Satimage.osax in order to run this!
-- © 2013 McUsr, sustainable share of code kindly provided by Nigel Garvey.
-- It is in public domain Licenced under GLPGL 3.0, which means
-- that if you use this then you must provide the source code,
-- and licence your product too under GLPGL 3.0.
script MoonPhases
property scriptTitle : "Moon Phases"
property JD0 : («data isot303030312D31312D3234543132» as date) ¬
- ((«data isot343731342D31312D3234543132» as date) - ¬
((«data isot303030312D31312D3234543132» as date) ¬
- 366 * days))
-- Nigel Garvey http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=167391#p167391 post # 6
property Debug : true
property degrad : pi / 180
property movingStates : {¬
"Waning Crescent", ¬
"Waxing Crescent", ¬
"Waxing Gibbous", ¬
"Waning Gibbous"}
property exactStates : {¬
"New Moon", ¬
"First Quarter", ¬
"Full Moon", ¬
"Third Quarter"}
property aNewMoon : 1
property tFirstQuarter : 2
property aFullMoon : 3
property tThirdQuarter : 4
property monthNames : {¬
"January", ¬
"February", ¬
"Mars", ¬
"April", ¬
"May", ¬
"June", ¬
"July", ¬
"August", ¬
"September", ¬
"October", ¬
"November", ¬
on createMoonPhasesTable()
local dyr, startY, endY, MoonPhases
set {startY, endY} to getRangeOfYears((current date)'s year, "Decade", scriptTitle)
if endY - startY > 0 then
_MAKEDOC("Lunar phases from " & startY & " to " & endY & linefeed & linefeed & linefeed, 500, 800)
_MAKEDOC("Lunar phases for " & startY & linefeed & linefeed & linefeed, 500, 800)
end if
repeat with dyr from startY to endY
repeat with mnth from 1 to 12
_PRINT(item mnth of monthNames & " " & dyr & linefeed)
set MoonPhases to moonphasesForMonth(dyr, mnth)
repeat with aPhase in MoonPhases
local aJde, yr_, mnt_, dy_, hr_, min_, sec_
set {yr_, mnt_, dy_} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from item 1 of aPhase
set dateStr to formatDate(yr_, mnt_, dy_)
set {hr_, min_, sec_} to timeTriplet from item 1 of aPhase
set timeStr to formatClockTime(hr_, min_, sec_)
_PRINT(dateStr & " : " & timeStr & tab & item (item 2 of aPhase) of exactStates & return)
end repeat
end repeat
end repeat
end createMoonPhasesTable
on run
global am_pm_clock, us_citizen -- "System variables" for configuring the locale. (Date/clock).
-- resets whatever values, so that any script copying will work with the receivers locale.
set am_pm_clock to undef()
set us_citizen to undef()
end run
on undef()
end undef
on moonPhaseOfToday()
script o
property L : {}
end script
local YR, mnth, dy, curJDe
tell (current date)
set curJDe to (JulianDayNumber of me for it) + 0.5 div 1
set {YR, mnth, dy} to {its year, its month as integer, its day}
end tell
set o's L to moonphasesForMonth(YR, mnth)
local phase
set phase to ""
repeat with i from 1 to (count o's L)
if curJDe < (item 1 of item i of o's L) div 1 then
set phase to item (item 2 of item i of o's L) of movingStates
exit repeat
else if curJDe = (item 1 of item i of o's L) div 1 then
set phase to item (item 2 of item i of o's L) of exactStates
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if phase = "" then
set phase to item (((item 2 of item (count o's L) of o's L) + 1) mod 4) of movingStates
end if
local msg
# set msg to formatDate(YR, mnth, dy) & return & return & "The current Phase is " & phase & "."
set msg to formatDate(YR, mnth, dy) & return & return & phase & "."
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
display dialog msg with title "Todays Moon Phase:" buttons {"Quit", "Make Table"} cancel button 1 default button 2 with icon note
end tell
end moonPhaseOfToday
to sort_items from alist
-- Kai
script o
property L : alist
end script
repeat with i from 2 to count o's L
set V to o's L's item i
repeat with i from (i - 1) to 1 by -1
tell o's L's item i to if item 1 of V < item 1 of it then
set o's L's item (i + 1) to it
set o's L's item (i + 1) to V
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
if i is 1 and item 1 of V < item 1 of o's L's beginning then set o's L's item 1 to V
end repeat
end sort_items
on moonphasesForMonth(YR, mnth)
script o
property n : {}
end script
local tyr, tmnth
# checks for previous last quarter
if mnth = 1 then
set {tyr, tmnth} to {YR - 1, 11.5}
set {tyr, tmnth} to {YR, mnth - 1.5}
end if
local test, JD_adjusted, dyr, mt, dy, L
set {test, L} to {newMoon(tyr, tmnth), {}}
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, aNewMoon}, JD_adjusted}
set test to firstQuarter(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, tFirstQuarter}, JD_adjusted}
set test to fullMoon(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, aFullMoon}, JD_adjusted}
set test to lastQuarter(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, tThirdQuarter}, JD_adjusted}
# and if we have an extra new moon!
set test to newMoon(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, aNewMoon}, JD_adjusted}
if length of L < 5 then
# There can't be more than five moonphases of a month, so the very moment we have five
# - We bail out!
set test to firstQuarter(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, tFirstQuarter}, JD_adjusted}
if length of L < 5 then
set test to fullMoon(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, aFullMoon}, JD_adjusted}
if length of L < 5 then
set test to lastQuarter(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, tThirdQuarter}, JD_adjusted}
if length of L < 5 then
# Before someone starts to think that I should have coalesced
# the four nearly identical handlers and iterated over the handler here
# instead of having it spread out boringly one by oneinto one, I'd like
# to retort that making code shorter, by adding if tests, and loops only
# makes it easier to maintain, not faster. It will also add to overall
# complexity here.
# the phases that should be there, but not necessarily are!
set JD_adjusted to findNewMoonForMonth(YR, mnth)
if JD_adjusted ≠0 then
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, aNewMoon}, JD_adjusted}
end if
if length of L < 5 then
set JD_adjusted to findFirstQuarterForMonth(YR, mnth)
if JD_adjusted ≠0 then
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, tFirstQuarter}, JD_adjusted}
end if
if length of L < 5 then
set JD_adjusted to findFullMoonForMonth(YR, mnth)
if JD_adjusted ≠0 then
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, aFullMoon}, JD_adjusted}
end if
if length of L < 5 then
set JD_adjusted to findlastQuarterForMonth(YR, mnth)
if JD_adjusted ≠0 then
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set {end of L, end of o's n} to {{JD_adjusted, tThirdQuarter}, JD_adjusted}
end if
# additional phases that eventually may be there
if length of L < 5 then
if mnth = 12 then
set {tyr, tmnth} to {YR + 1, 11}
set {tyr, tmnth} to {YR, mnth + 1}
end if
set test to newMoon(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set end of L to {JD_adjusted, aNewMoon}
if length of L < 5 then
set test to firstQuarter(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set end of L to {JD_adjusted, tFirstQuarter}
if length of L < 5 then
set test to fullMoon(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set end of L to {JD_adjusted, aFullMoon}
if length of L < 5 then
set test to lastQuarter(tyr, tmnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(test)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if dyr = YR and mt = mnth and JD_adjusted is not in o's n then set end of L to {JD_adjusted, tThirdQuarter}
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
end if
sort_items from L
-- Kai Edwards!
return L
end moonphasesForMonth
on findNewMoonForMonth(YR, mnth)
local JD, origMonth, dyr, mt, dy, forwardDir
set {origMonth, forwardDir} to {mnth, false}
set mnth to mnth - 0.75 # probability!!
repeat while true
set JD to newMoon(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(JD)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if mt = origMonth then
exit repeat
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 1 and mt = 12 then
# the month we got returned was lesser than the
# the one we looked for.
set mnth to 1.25
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 12 and mt = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater then the
# one we looked for.
set mnth to 10.75
else if mt = 12 and origMonth = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater than the
# one we looked for.
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
else if mt = 1 and origMonth = 12 then
# the month we got returned was greater
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
else if origMonth < 12 and mt < origMonth then
# the month we got returned was lesser than
# we looked for
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
# if we have been forward, and then thrown backwards
# then the cycle simply doesn't exist for this month!
if forwardDir then return 0
# the month was greater than the one we looked for.
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
end if
end repeat
return JD_adjusted
end findNewMoonForMonth
on newMoon(YR, mnt)
local k, t, JD, M_, MPrime, F_, Omega, E_
set k to approxK(YR + (mnt / 12)) div 1 # new moon
set t to centurieJuliae(k)
set JD to meanPhaseOfMoon(t, k)
set JD to computeAdditionalCorrectionsAllPhases(JD, t, k)
set M_ to sunsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
set MPrime to moonsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
set F_ to moonsArgOfLatitude(t, k)
set Omega to longOfAscendingNodeOfLunarOrbit(t, k)
set E_ to eccentricityOfEarthsOrbit(t)
return JD + (-0.4072 * (sin MPrime) + ¬
0.17241 * E_ * (sin M_) + ¬
0.01608 * (sin (2 * MPrime)) + ¬
0.01039 * (sin (2 * F_)) + ¬
0.00739 * E_ * (sin (MPrime - M_)) + ¬
-0.00514 * E_ * (sin (MPrime + M_)) + ¬
0.00208 * E_ * E_ * (sin (2 * M_)) + ¬
-0.00111 * (sin (MPrime - 2 * F_)) + ¬
-5.7E-4 * (sin (MPrime + 2 * F_)) + ¬
5.6E-4 * E_ * (sin (2 * MPrime + M_)) + ¬
-4.2E-4 * (sin (3 * MPrime)) + ¬
4.2E-4 * E_ * (sin (M_ + 2 * F_)) + ¬
3.8E-4 * E_ * (sin (M_ - 2 * F_)) + ¬
-2.4E-4 * E_ * (sin (2 * MPrime - M_)) + ¬
-1.7E-4 * (sin Omega) + ¬
-7.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + 2 * M_)) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin (2 * MPrime - 2 * F_)) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin (3 * M_)) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + M_ - 2 * F_)) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (2 * MPrime + 2 * F_)) + ¬
-3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + M_ + 2 * F_)) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - M_ + 2 * F_)) + ¬
-2.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - M_ - 2 * F_)) + ¬
-2.0E-5 * (sin (3 * MPrime + M_)) + ¬
2.0E-5 * (sin (4 * MPrime)))
end newMoon
# Before someone starts to think that I should have coalesced
# the four nearly identical handlers into one I'd like to retort
# That making code shorter, by adding if tests, only makes it
# easier to maintain, not faster.
on findFirstQuarterForMonth(YR, mnth)
local JD, origMonth, dyr, mt, dy, forwardDir
set {origMonth, forwardDir} to {mnth, false}
set mnth to mnth - 0.75
repeat while true
set JD to firstQuarter(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(JD)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if mt = origMonth then
exit repeat
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 1 and mt = 12 then
# the month we got returned was lesser than the
# the one we looked for.
set mnth to 1.25
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 12 and mt = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater then the
# one we looked for.
set mnth to 10.75
else if mt = 12 and origMonth = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater than the
# one we looked for.
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
else if mt = 1 and origMonth = 12 then
# the month we got returned was greater
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
else if origMonth < 12 and mt < origMonth then
# the month we got returned was lesser than
# we looked for
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
# if we have been forward, and then thrown backwards
# then the cycle simply doesn't exist for this month!
if forwardDir then return 0
# the month was greater than the one we looked for.
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
end if
end repeat
return JD_adjusted
end findFirstQuarterForMonth
on firstQuarter(YR, mnt)
local JD, W_
set {JD, W_} to commonQuarters(YR, mnt, 0.25)
return JD + W_
end firstQuarter
on commonQuarters(YR, mnt, factor)
local k, t, JD, M_, MPrime, F_, Omega, E_, W_
set k to approxK(YR + (mnt / 12)) div 1 + factor # Last Quater
set t to centurieJuliae(k)
set JD to meanPhaseOfMoon(t, k)
set JD to computeAdditionalCorrectionsAllPhases(JD, t, k)
set M_ to sunsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
set MPrime to moonsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
set F_ to moonsArgOfLatitude(t, k)
set Omega to longOfAscendingNodeOfLunarOrbit(t, k)
set E_ to eccentricityOfEarthsOrbit(t)
set W_ to 0.00306 - 3.8E-4 * E_ * (cos M_) + 2.6E-4 * (cos MPrime) - 2.0E-5 * (cos (MPrime - M_)) + 2.0E-5 * (cos (MPrime + M_)) + 2.0E-5 * (cos (2 * F_))
return {JD - 0.62801 * (sin MPrime) + ¬
0.17172 * E_ * (sin M_) + ¬
-0.01183 * E_ * (sin (MPrime + M_)) + ¬
0.00862 * (sin (2 * MPrime)) + ¬
0.00804 * (sin (2 * F_)) + ¬
0.00454 * E_ * (sin (MPrime - M_)) + ¬
0.00204 * E_ * E_ * (sin (2 * M_)) + ¬
-0.0018 * (sin (MPrime - (2 * F_))) + ¬
-7.0E-4 * (sin (MPrime + (2 * F_))) + ¬
-4.0E-4 * (sin (3 * MPrime)) + ¬
-3.4E-4 * E_ * (sin (2 * MPrime - M_)) + ¬
3.2E-4 * E_ * (sin (M_ + (2 * F_))) + ¬
3.2E-4 * E_ * (sin (M_ - (2 * F_))) + ¬
-2.8E-4 * E_ * E_ * (sin (MPrime + (2 * M_))) + ¬
2.7E-4 * E_ * (sin ((2 * MPrime) + M_)) + ¬
-1.7E-4 * (sin Omega) + ¬
-5.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - M_ - (2 * F_))) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin ((2 * MPrime) + (2 * F_))) + ¬
-4.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + M_ + (2 * F_))) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - (2 * M_))) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + M_ - (2 * F_))) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (3 * M_)) + ¬
2.0E-5 * (sin ((2 * MPrime) - (2 * F_))) + ¬
2.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - M_ + (2 * F_))) + ¬
-2.0E-5 * (sin ((3 * MPrime) + M_)), W_}
end commonQuarters
on findFullMoonForMonth(YR, mnth)
local JD, origMonth, dyr, mt, dy, forwardDir
set {origMonth, forwardDir} to {mnth, false}
set mnth to mnth - 0.75
repeat while true
set JD to fullMoon(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(JD)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if mt = origMonth then
exit repeat
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 1 and mt = 12 then
# the month we got returned was lesser than the
# the one we looked for.
set mnth to 1.25
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 12 and mt = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater then the
# one we looked for.
set mnth to 10.75
else if mt = 12 and origMonth = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater than the
# one we looked for.
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
else if mt = 1 and origMonth = 12 then
# the month we got returned was greater
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
else if origMonth < 12 and mt < origMonth then
# the month we got returned was lesser than
# we looked for
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
# if we have been forward, and then thrown backwards
# then the cycle simply doesn't exist for this month!
if forwardDir then return 0
# the month was greater than the one we looked for.
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
end if
end repeat
return JD_adjusted
end findFullMoonForMonth
on fullMoon(YR, mnt)
local k, t, JD, M_, MPrime, F_, Omega, E_
set k to approxK(YR + (mnt / 12)) div 1 + 0.5 # full Moon
set t to centurieJuliae(k)
set JD to meanPhaseOfMoon(t, k)
set JD to computeAdditionalCorrectionsAllPhases(JD, t, k)
set M_ to sunsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
set MPrime to moonsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
set F_ to moonsArgOfLatitude(t, k)
set Omega to longOfAscendingNodeOfLunarOrbit(t, k)
set E_ to eccentricityOfEarthsOrbit(t)
return JD - 0.40614 * (sin MPrime) + ¬
0.17302 * E_ * (sin M_) + ¬
0.01614 * (sin (2 * MPrime)) + ¬
0.01043 * (sin (2 * F_)) + ¬
0.00734 * E_ * (sin (MPrime - M_)) + ¬
-0.00514 * E_ * (sin (MPrime + M_)) + ¬
0.00209 * E_ * E_ * (sin (2 * M_)) + ¬
-0.00111 * (sin (MPrime - 2 * F_)) + ¬
-5.7E-4 * (sin (MPrime + 2 * F_)) + ¬
5.6E-4 * E_ * (sin (2 * MPrime + M_)) + ¬
-4.2E-4 * (sin (3 * MPrime)) + ¬
4.2E-4 * E_ * (sin (M_ + 2 * F_)) + ¬
3.8E-4 * E_ * (sin (M_ - 2 * F_)) + ¬
-2.4E-4 * E_ * (sin (2 * MPrime - M_)) + ¬
-1.7E-4 * (sin Omega) + ¬
-7.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + 2 * M_)) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin (2 * MPrime - 2 * F_)) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin (3 * M_)) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + M_ - 2 * F_)) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (2 * MPrime + 2 * F_)) + ¬
-3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime + M_ + 2 * F_)) + ¬
3.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - M_ + 2 * F_)) + ¬
-2.0E-5 * (sin (MPrime - M_ - 2 * F_)) + ¬
-2.0E-5 * (sin (3 * MPrime + M_)) + ¬
2.0E-5 * (sin (4 * MPrime))
end fullMoon
on findlastQuarterForMonth(YR, mnth)
local JD, origMonth, dyr, mt, dy, forwardDir
set {origMonth, forwardDir} to {mnth, false}
set mnth to mnth - 0.75
repeat while true
set JD to lastQuarter(YR, mnth)
set JD_adjusted to adjustJDNforLocalTZ(JD)
set {dyr, mt, dy} to gregorianCalendarTriplet from JD_adjusted
if mt = origMonth then
exit repeat
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 1 and mt = 12 then
# the month we got returned was lesser than the
# the one we looked for.
set mnth to 1.25
else if (mnth div 1 + 1) = 12 and mt = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater then the
# one we looked for.
set mnth to 10.75
else if mt = 12 and origMonth = 1 then
# the month we got returned was greater than the
# one we looked for.
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
else if mt = 1 and origMonth = 12 then
# the month we got returned was greater
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
else if origMonth < 12 and mt < origMonth then
# the month we got returned was lesser than
# we looked for
set forwardDir to true
set mnth to mnth + 0.125
# if we have been forward, and then thrown backwards
if forwardDir then return 0
set mnth to mnth - 0.25
end if
end repeat
return JD_adjusted
end findlastQuarterForMonth
on lastQuarter(YR, mnt)
local JD, W_
set {JD, W_} to commonQuarters(YR, mnt, 0.75)
return JD - W_
end lastQuarter
on computeAdditionalCorrectionsAllPhases(JDE, t, k)
return (JDE + 3.25E-4 * (sin (map360(299.77 + 0.107408 * k - 0.009173 * t * t) * degrad)) + ¬
1.65E-4 * (sin (map360(251.88 + 0.016321 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
1.64E-4 * (sin (map360(251.83 + 26.651886 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
1.26E-4 * (sin (map360(349.42 + 36.412478 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
1.1E-4 * (sin (map360(84.66 + 18.206239 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
6.2E-5 * (sin (map360(141.74 + 53.303771 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
6.0E-5 * (sin (map360(207.14 + 2.453732 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
5.6E-5 * (sin (map360(154.84 + 7.30686 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
4.7E-5 * (sin (map360(34.52 + 27.261239 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
4.2E-5 * (sin (map360(207.19 + 0.121824 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
4.0E-5 * (sin (map360(291.34 + 1.844379 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
3.7E-5 * (sin (map360(161.72 + 24.198154 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
3.5E-5 * (sin (map360(239.56 + 25.513099 * k) * degrad)) + ¬
2.3E-5 * (sin (map360(331.55 + 3.592518 * k) * degrad)))
end computeAdditionalCorrectionsAllPhases
on eccentricityOfEarthsOrbit(t)
# (Meeus 45.6)
return (1 + (t * (-0.002516 + (t * -7.4E-6))))
end eccentricityOfEarthsOrbit
on longOfAscendingNodeOfLunarOrbit(k, t)
# Meeus ( 47.7)
return (map360(124.7746 - (k * 1.5637558) + (t * t * (0.0020691 + (t * 2.15E-6)))) * degrad)
end longOfAscendingNodeOfLunarOrbit
on moonsArgOfLatitude(t, k)
# meeus ( 47.6 )
return (map360((160.7108 + (k * 390.67050274)) + (t * t * (-0.0016341 + (t * (-2.27E-6 + (t * 1.1E-8)))))) * degrad)
end moonsArgOfLatitude
on moonsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
# Meeus (47.5)
return (map360(201.5643 + (k * 385.81693528) + (t * t * (0.0107438 + (t * 1.239E-5 - (t * 5.8E-8))))) * degrad)
end moonsMeanAnamoly
on sunsMeanAnamoly(t, k)
# Meeus (47.4)
return (map360(2.5534 + (k * 29.10535669) + (t * t * (-2.18E-5 + (t * -1.1E-7)))) * degrad)
end sunsMeanAnamoly
on meanPhaseOfMoon(t, k)
# Meeus (47.1)
return 2.45155009765E+6 + (29.530588853 * k) + (t * (t * (1.337E-4 + (t * (-1.5E-7 + (t * 7.3E-10))))))
end meanPhaseOfMoon
on centurieJuliae(k)
# Meeus (47.3)
return (k / 1236.85)
end centurieJuliae
on approxK(decyear)
# Meeus (47.2)
set a to ((decyear - 2000) * 12.3685)
return round ((decyear - 2000) * 12.3685) rounding to nearest
end approxK
# ----
on map360(aDecNumber)
set aDecNumber to aDecNumber mod 360
if aDecNumber < 0 then set aDecNumber to aDecNumber + 360
return aDecNumber
end map360
# end script
on GregorianDate for theJDN
-- Added 2013.10.7
-- Nigel Garvey http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=167391#p167391 post # 6
return JD0 + theJDN * days
end GregorianDate
on TZtoTZ(TZ1date, TZ1, TZ2)
# Nigel Garvey
return (do shell script ("eraTime=$(TZ=" & TZ1 & " date -jf '%FT%T' '" & (TZ1date as «class isot» as string) & "' '+%s') ; TZ=" & TZ2 & " date -r \"$eraTime\" '+%FT%T'") as «class isot») as date
end TZtoTZ
on JulianDayNumber for theDate
-- Added 2013.10.7
-- Nigel Garvey http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?pid=167391#p167391 post # 6
return (theDate - JD0) div days
end JulianDayNumber
on timeTriplet from JDN
# This returns as standard time triplet, where the first point of time of a day is 00:00
# and the last point of a time is 23:59:59.9999999 and so on..
local timeFraction, _hours, _minutes, _seconds
set timeFraction to (JDN mod 1) * 24
set _hours to (timeFraction div 1 as integer)
set timeFraction to (timeFraction - _hours)
set _minutes to timeFraction * 60 div 1
set _seconds to (timeFraction - (_minutes / 60)) * 3600
return {_hours, _minutes, _seconds}
end timeTriplet
on gregorianCalendarTriplet from JDN
# This is an algorithm by Richards to convert a Julian Day Number, J, to a date in the Gregorian calendar
# (proleptic, when applicable). Richards does not state which dates the algorithm is valid for.
# it seems to work for dates after, BUT NOT INCLUDING 15th of oct 1582.
# I have extended it to return a hour, min, sec triplet for the fractional part of the JDN.
local y, m, n, R, p, V, s, w, b, C, F, g, h, D, mt, YR, JD
set y to 4716
set j to 1401
set m to 2
set n to 12
set R to 4
set p to 1461
set V to 3
set u to 5
set s to 153
set w to 2
set b to 274277
set C to -38
set JD to JDN div 1
set F to JD + j + (((4 * JD + b) div 146097) * 3) div 4 + C
set e to R * F + V
set g to (e mod p) div R
set h to u * g + w
set D to (h mod s) div u + 1
set mt to (h div s + m) mod n + 1
set YR to e div p - y + (n + m - mt) div n
return {YR, mt, D}
end gregorianCalendarTriplet
on civilTimeToGmtFromLocalTZInSeconds(anASDate)
# Nigel Garvey and Adam Bell made this possible!
return (anASDate - TZtoTZ(anASDate, (do shell script "readlink /etc/localtime |sed -n 's_/[^/]*/[^/]*/[^/]*/\\([^/]*\\)/\\([^/]*\\).*_\\1/\\2_p'"), "GMT"))
end civilTimeToGmtFromLocalTZInSeconds
on JDN(_year, _month, _day, _hour, _min, _sec)
# From Wikipedia
# The Julian Date (JD) of any instant is the Julian day number
# for the preceding noon plus the fraction of the day since
# that instant. Julian Dates are expressed as a Julian day
# number with a decimal fraction added. For example, The Julian
# Date for 00:30:00.0 1 January 2013 is 2456293.520833.
local a, y, m, _JDN, time_fraction
set a to ((14 - _month) div 12)
set y to _year + 4800 - a
set m to _month + (12 * a) - 3
# Gregorian Calendar starts October 15, 1582
if _year > 1582 then
set _JDN to _day + ((153 * m + 2) div 5) + 365 * y + (y div 4) - y div 100 + y div 400 - 32045
else if _year = 1582 and _month > 10 then
set _JDN to _day + ((153 * m + 2) div 5) + 365 * y + (y div 4) - y div 100 + y div 400 - 32045
else if _year = 1582 and _month = 10 and _day ≥ 15 then
set _JDN to _day + ((153 * m + 2) div 5) + 365 * y + (y div 4) - y div 100 + y div 400 - 32045
# Julian calendar before oct 15, 1582
set _JDN to _day + ((153 * m + 2) div 5) + 365 * y + (y div 4) - 32083
end if
set _hour to (_hour - 12) / 24
if _min ≠0 then
set _min to _min / 1440 # minutes per day
end if
if _sec ≠0 then
set _sec to _sec / 86400 # seconds per day
end if
set _JDN to _JDN + _hour + _min + _sec
return _JDN
end JDN
on adjustJDNforLocalTZ(JDE)
# it adds the time difference to GMT, and adds the 12 hour, to askew the day to the civil
# time system, this may also increment the date, which is perfectly fine, since a Julian day
# starts 12 hours before a civil day.
return (JDE + ((civilTimeToGmtFromLocalTZInSeconds(GregorianDate for (JDE + 0.5))) / 86400) + 0.5)
end adjustJDNforLocalTZ
on _PRINT(txt)
# Nigel Garvey made the original version.
local a
tell application "TextEdit"
if not my Debug then
do shell script "open -b \"com.apple.textedit\""
end if
if ((count its documents) is 0) then make new document
set a to (get path of its front document)
if a is "" then set a to missing value
on error
set a to missing value
end try
if a is not missing value then make new document
make new paragraph at end of text of front document with data (txt & linefeed) with properties {font:"Andale Mono", size:12}
end tell
return true
end _PRINT
on _MAKEDOC(heading, _width, _height)
tell application "TextEdit"
tell (make new document at front)
set text of it to heading
set font of every character to "Andale Mono"
set size of every character to 13
end tell
tell its front window
# set {item 3 of its bounds, item 4 of its bounds} to {800, 300}
set _bounds to bounds
set item 3 of _bounds to (item 1 of _bounds) + _width
set item 4 of _bounds to (item 2 of _bounds) + _height
set bounds to _bounds
end tell
end tell
on formatDate(YR, mnt, _day)
global us_citizen
local a
set a to us_citizen
on error
set us_citizen to getUsCitizenShip()
end try
if us_citizen then
return (pad(mnt) & "/" & pad(_day) & "/" & YR)
return (pad(_day) & "/" & pad(mnt) & "/" & YR)
end if
end formatDate
on setClockFormat(m)
local clock_format
considering case
tell (current date)'s time string
if it contains "AM" or it contains "PM" then
set clock_format to m's big_AMPM
else if it contains "Am" or it contains "Pm" then
set clock_format to m's ususal_AmPm
else if it contains "am" or it contains "pm" then
set clock_format to m's small_ampm
set clock_format to m's hour24
end if
end tell
end considering
return clock_format
end setClockFormat
on formatClockTime(_hr, _min, _sec)
script o
property big_AMPM : 3
property ususal_AmPm : 2
property small_ampm : 1
property hour24 : 0
end script
global am_pm_clock
local a
set a to am_pm_clock
on error
set am_pm_clock to setClockFormat(o)
end try
if am_pm_clock = o's hour24 then
return (pad((_hr div 1)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)))
else if am_pm_clock = o's big_AMPM then
if (_hr div 12) > 0 then
return (padHourWithBlank((_hr div 12)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)) & " PM")
return (padHourWithBlank((_hr div 1)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)) & " AM")
end if
else if am_pm_clock = o's ususal_AmPm then
if (_hr div 12) > 0 then
return (padHourWithBlank((_hr div 12)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)) & " Pm")
return (padHourWithBlank((_hr div 1)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)) & " Am")
end if
else # am_pm_clock = small_ampm
if (_hr div 12) > 0 then
return (padHourWithBlank((_hr div 12)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)) & " pm")
return (padHourWithBlank((_hr div 1)) & ":" & pad(_min) & ":" & pad((_sec div 1)) & " am")
end if
end if
end formatClockTime
on padHourWithBlank(n)
-- "Special Handler" for padding the 12 hour clock with blanks.
return (text -2 thru -1 of (" " & n as text))
end padHourWithBlank
to getUsCitizenShip()
set localeString to (do shell script "defaults read .GlobalPreferences AppleLocale 2>/dev/null || echo en_US |tr '
' ' '")
on error e number n
return true
end try
if localeString is "en_US" then return true
return false
end getUsCitizenShip
on pad(n)
-- 22. September 2013, improved pad, for the cases where n < 0 and n > 100.
-- Thanks to Yvan Koenig.
-- Fixed a bug
if n < -100 then
return n as text
else if n < 0 then
return ("-" & text -2 thru -1 of ("0" & ((n as number) * -1) as text))
-- error "The pad handler assumes positive values" number 5000
else if n < 100 then
return text 2 thru -1 of ((100 + n) as text)
return n as text
end if
end pad
-- Ask the user for the range of dates to be covered.
-- from a start date, up to, and including enddate.
on getRangeOfYears(initialYear, initialRange, scriptTitle)
-- Added 2013.10.7, used in Equation Of Time, high accuracy..
-- Nigel Garvey http://macscripter.net/viewtopic.php?id=41273
-- customized a little by McUsr (All faults are mine!),
-- so it is able to deliver just one date denoting a range of 1 day.
-- There are preset ranges of Month, Week, and Year, based on the initalDate.
local anicon, theMessage, StartYear, EndYear
set anicon to note
set theMessage to "Enter a range of years or a single year."
set StartYear to initialYear
if initialRange = "Century" then
set EndYear to StartYear + 100
else if initialRange = "SemiCentury" then
set EndYear to StartYear + 50
else if initialRange = "Decade" then
set EndYear to StartYear + 10
else if initialRange = "Year" then
set EndYear to StartYear + 5
# We'll add one day for a leap year
end if
local d1, d2, yearRange
set d1 to StartYear as text
set d2 to EndYear as text
tell application (path to frontmost application as text)
set yearRange to text returned of (display dialog theMessage default answer d1 & " - " & d2 with title scriptTitle buttons {"Quit", "Ok"} cancel button 1 default button 2 with icon anicon)
end tell
local tids, gotOne, yearRangeStart, yearRangeEnd
set {tids, AppleScript's text item delimiters, gotOne} to {AppleScript's text item delimiters, "-", false}
set {yearRangeStart, gotOne} to {text item 1 of yearRange as number, true}
set yearRangeEnd to text item 2 of yearRange as number
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
exit repeat
on error
if gotOne and length of text items of yearRange = 1 then
set yearRangeEnd to text item 1 of yearRange as number
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
exit repeat
else if gotOne then
set today to yearRangeStart
set today to initialYear
end if
set AppleScript's text item delimiters to tids
if theMessage does not contain "wasn't" then
set theMessage to "The input wasn't valid!" & return & return & theMessage
set anicon to caution
end if
end try
end repeat
return {yearRangeStart, yearRangeEnd}
end getRangeOfYears
end script
tell MoonPhases to run