Acrobat Document Properties

Figuring out details for an upcoming project and hit a wall on this item. As far as I can tell, changing document properties with applescript via Acrobat 6 is a no go. In particular, I’m trying to set the Initial View properties to Thumbs and Pages.

Going through my options for this and it looks like:

  1. Setting the property via UI Events (haven’t tried it yet)

  2. Doing a text-based search and replace on the “Raw” pdf. for the encoding option (Done it, but it looks ripe to corrupt the file)

  3. Having somebody else write code in some other language that I can call from a Studio App.

  4. ???

So far, it looks as if my option is to do the text-based thing (I’m creating the pdf, so the string to replace is consistent from file to file).

Anyone have other ideas? Not sure if this is something I could do with a file in distiller (I don’t think so).

I’d appreciate any ideas!

New at UI Events…but decided to give it a go in this case. The following script works (somewhat) if the document properties window is set to “initial view” already.

The pulldown labeled “show” selects “Pages Panel and Page”, but it doesn’t stick. Even selecting the OK button in the window doesn’t seem to work…only “keystroke return” command will do it.

Can anyone offer any tips? Or does UI scripting support really stink? Hmmmmmm.

[This script was automatically tagged for color coded syntax by Convert Script to Markup Code]