Hey guys.
Im looking for a way to track property changes.
For example:
script ImageViewSubClass
property parent : class “NSImageView”
property test: “”
set test to "someValue"
end script
I have a sublassed image that sets the value of its own property when a specific ation is executed (someFunction)
I’d like to execute a function OUTSIDE of this class when test is changed by observing it somehow… i know actionListeners from another language. Is there something similar in ASOC?
Hm i found the Observers but still have problems registering them
in my appDelegate i have
-- IB Outlets
myImage: missing value -- connected with the image that has the subclass from above assigned
on applicationWillFinishLaunching_(aNotification)
myImage's addObserver_forKeyPath_options_context(me,current application's NSString's stringWithString_("test"),"NSKeyValueChangeOldKey",missing value)
end applicationWillFinishLaunching_
but it always throws an error:
-[AppDelegate applicationWillFinishLaunching:]: *** -[myImage addObserver:forKeyPath:options:context]: unrecognized selector sent to object <shDragAndDrop @0x600000192f10: OSAID(46) ComponentInstance(0x810000)> (error -10000)
I don’t think that would do what you hope in any case – it would only tell you when the value of myImage changed, which presumably will never happen.
Hm… ok. Any way to achieve what I am looking for?
You need to have the someFunction handler post a notification to the notification center. So something like:
current application's NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s postNotificationName:"com.mybusiness.someNameOrOther" object:(missing value)
And then to receive the notification:
current application's NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s addObserver:me selector:"itHappened:" name:"com.mybusiness.someNameOrOther" object:(missing value)
on itHappened:notif
-- do stuff
And to stop receiving notifications:
current application's NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s removeObserver:me name:"com.mybusiness.someNameOrOther" object:(missing value)
or if it’s your only notification, simply:
current application's NSNotificationCenter's defaultCenter()'s removeObserver:me
Thank you! i got the notification to work.
is there a way to pass a value with the notification?
Yes – use -postNotificationName:object:userInfo:, and put the value in a dictionary that you pass to userInfo. The receiver can then ask for notif’s userInfo().