tell application "System Events"
tell expose preferences
set fKey to (get function key of application windows shortcut) as string
set fKeyMod to (get function key modifiers of application windows shortcut) as string
end tell
end tell
Using the information given in the table you can easily convert between key codes and F codes:
set kcode to my getkcode("F13")
on getkcode(fcode)
set fcodes to {"F10", "F12", "F13"}
set kcodes to {109, 111, 105}
set kcode to missing value
if fcode is in fcodes then
set countfcodes to length of fcodes
repeat with i from 1 to countfcodes
if fcode is equal to item i of fcodes then
set kcode to item i of kcodes
exit repeat
end if
end repeat
end if
return kcode
end getkcode