I thought I would share my latest and greatest startup script. It does a number of things:
- Runs automatically at startup;
- Gives the user a chance to bail before execution, but continues automatically if left unattended for more than 30 seconds;
- Launches different apps, based on user choices, the presence of an Internet connection and/or the presence of external drives;
- Opens Web pages I want to look at daily;
- Trashes old versions of backup files (leaving the latest five in each specified backup folder);
- Trashes the contents of my Downloads folder;
- Empties the trash;
- Opens all the files (or aliases thereto) that I’ve placed in an “Active Projects” folder;
- Documents all of its actions in a log file, and then opens the log file in my favorite text editor.
I’ve documented how the script works, and provided a link to the script, at my PaganTuna blog:
I generally let this run every morning, after starting up my Mac, and then when I sit down to my Mac a little bit later, everything’s ready and waiting for me.
Here is the full script.
Adaptive Startup Applescript
Cobbled together by Herb Bowie
Blogging at PaganTuna.com
This script is designed to be saved as an application, and then added to
System Preferences / Accounts / Login Items so that it is launched at
startup. It will then launch your other applications, but with a number
of conditional tests that make it more useful than launching all of these
apps directly from your login items.
This script combines several useful features:
* Gives the user a chance to bail out if they don't want their normal
apps to launch.
* Continues with normal startup after 30 seconds if left unattended.
Note that the following subroutine handlers have been defined at
the bottom of the script.
* launchApp - Launches the specified application and optionally hides it.
* writeLogLine - Writes a log message to an output log file.
* deleteOldFilesFromFolder - Delete older files from a designated folder.
-- Define these variables as globals so that they can be referenced
-- from the subroutine handlers.
global logFilePath
global logFile
global lf
set lf to (ASCII character 10) as string
set logFilePath to (path to desktop as string) & "Adaptive Startup Log.txt" as string
-- Delete the log file if it already exists
tell application "System Events"
set logExists to exists file "Adaptive Startup Log.txt" of desktop folder
end tell
if logExists then
set logFileAlias to logFilePath as alias
tell application "Finder" to delete logFileAlias
end if
-- Open the log file so that it's ready for use
set logFile to open for access logFilePath with write permission
-- Now bring this startup script back to the front
-- Now give the user a chance to abort the rest of the script.
-- Start with a verbal announcement
say "Startup sequence about to begin"
-- Now pop up a dialog box, giving the user 30 seconds to respond
set go to true
display dialog "Startup sequence about to begin" buttons {"Cancel", "Choices", "OK"} default button "OK" giving up after 30
set selectedButton to button returned of the result
if selectedButton = "OK" or selectedButton = "Choices" or gave up of the result = true then
set go to true
set go to false
end if
on error errStr
if the errStr contains "User canceled" then
-- User cancelled
set go to false
set go to true
end if
end try
set choice to "My Usual Apps"
if go then
if selectedButton = "Choices" then
choose from list {"My Usual Apps", "My Writing Apps"}
if result is false then
set go to false
set choices to result
set choice to item 1 of choices
end if
end if
end if
if go then
-- Open an output log file so we can tell the user what happened.
-- Store the log file on the desktop.
set eof of logFile to 0
writeLogLine("Adaptive Startup launching at " & (current date))
writeLogLine(" ")
-- Let's clear out some old backups from our backup folders
set the homeFolder to path to home folder as string
set the backupsFolder to the homeFolder & "Backups:"
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "Bento Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, false, 5)
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "iWisdom Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, true, 5)
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "Moneydance Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, true, 5)
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "OmniFocus Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, true, 20)
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "Two Due Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, true, 5)
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "UMSeattle Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, true, 5)
set the pruneFolder to the backupsFolder & "URL Union Backups:"
set the pruneAlias to the pruneFolder as alias
deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pruneAlias, true, 5)
writeLogLine(" ")
-- Clearing out my Downloads folder and then taking out the trash is a good daily housekeeping routine
set myDownloadFolder to (path to downloads folder)
tell application "Finder"
delete items of myDownloadFolder
empty trash
end tell
writeLogLine("Downloads folder thrown in the trash")
writeLogLine("Trash emptied")
writeLogLine(" ")
-- Now let's see if we're connected to the Internet
set internet_status to 1 -- variable that is assigned status of internet connection (1 is on, 0 is off)
do shell script "curl --connect-timeout 5 http://www.amazon.com"
on error
set internet_status to 0 -- on error, the status is set to off (0)
end try
-- Now report on the Internet status
if (internet_status = 1) then
writeLogLine("Internet is available")
writeLogLine("Internet is not available")
end if
-- Check for presence of an exteral drive
-- If found, then assume we're at home with normal setup
set extdrives to 0
set file_server_status to 0
tell application "Finder"
if "HB HD Spring Clone" exists then
set extdrives to 1
end if
end tell
-- Now launch any apps dependent on external drive(s)
if (extdrives = 1) then
writeLogLine("External drives are available")
tell application "Finder"
mount volume "afp://" as user name "Herb Bowie" with password "password"
set file_server_status to 1
on error
set file_server_status to 0
end try
end tell
-- If it mounted successfully, then launch iTunes and any related apps
if (file_server_status = 1) then
writeLogLine("Mounted Home Media Drive")
-- launchApp("iTunes", true)
end if
-- launchApp("ChronoSync", false)
writeLogLine("External drives are not available")
end if
writeLogLine(" ")
writeLogLine("Launching " & choice)
-- Let's start with applications we always want to launch
-- In my case, that would be "LaunchBar"
launchApp("LaunchBar", false)
if choice = "My Usual Apps" then
if (extdrives = 1) then
launchApp("ChronoSync", true)
end if
-- Now let's launch all the usual daily workhorses
launchApp("PowerTunes", true)
tell application "PowerTunes"
open library "iTunes"
end tell
launchApp("iCal", true)
launchApp("OmniFocus", true)
launchApp("BBEdit", true)
launchApp("TextMate", true)
launchApp("Two Due", false)
-- Now launch apps dependent on the Internet
if (internet_status = 1) then
launchApp("Mail", true)
-- launchApp("Safari", false)
launchApp("App Store", true)
launchApp("MacUpdate Desktop", true)
-- launchApp("Reeder", true)
-- launchApp("Messages", true)
launchApp("URL Union", true)
-- Now let's open our favorite Web pages
-- open location "http://my.yahoo.com"
-- open location "http://facebook.com"
-- open location "http://www.swackett.com/app/"
end if
-- NetBeans is a hefty Java app, and the activate will time out,
-- so let's wrap it in a try block and ignore any purported error
tell application "NetBeans 7.1.2"
end tell
end try
delay 10
-- And then hide it as well
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process "NetBeans" to false
end tell
writeLogLine("Application " & "NetBeans" & " launched and hidden")
-- Now open Active Projects files
set the projects_folder to path to home folder as string
set the projects_folder to the projects_folder & "Active Projects:"
set the projects_folder to the projects_folder as alias
set the apps_folder to path to applications folder as string
set omni_outliner to the apps_folder & "OmniOutliner Professional.app"
set omni_outliner to the omni_outliner as alias
tell application "System Events" to get every disk item of the projects_folder whose visible is true
set projects_files to result
repeat with projects_file in projects_files
tell application "System Events" to get name extension of projects_file
if result is "oo3" then
tell application "Finder"
open projects_file using omni_outliner
end tell
tell application "Finder"
open projects_file
end tell
end if
tell application "System Events" to get displayed name of projects_file
writeLogLine("Opened file " & result)
end repeat
end if
if choice = "My Writing Apps" then
launchApp("TextMate", false)
launchApp("Dictionary", false)
launchApp("Two Due", false)
end if
writeLogLine(" ")
writeLogLine("Adaptive Startup finishing at " & (current date))
close access logFile
tell application "Finder"
open logFilePath
end tell
close access logFile
end if
-- Subroutines
on launchApp(appName, hide)
activate application ((path to applications folder as text) & appName & ".app")
-- Let's pause for a few seconds, to give our app a chance to launch before we try to hide it
delay 5
if hide then
tell application "Finder"
set visible of process appName to false
end tell
writeLogLine("Application " & appName & " launched and hidden")
writeLogLine("Application " & appName & " launched")
end if
on error
writeLogLine("Application " & appName & " could not be launched")
end try
end launchApp
on deleteOldFilesFromFolder(pth, sortByDate, filesToKeep)
writeLogLine("Reviewing files in " & (pth))
tell application "Finder"
set filelist to files in pth
if sortByDate then
set filelist1 to (sort filelist by modification date)
set filelist1 to the reverse of (sort filelist by name)
end if
end tell
set fileCount to 0
repeat with oneFile in filelist1
tell application "System Events" to get displayed name of oneFile
set oneFileName to result
tell application "System Events" to get modification date of oneFile
set modDate to result
set fileCount to fileCount + 1
if fileCount ≤ filesToKeep then
-- writeLogLine("Keeping " & modDate & " " & oneFileName)
writeLogLine("Deleting " & modDate & " " & oneFileName)
tell application "Finder" to delete oneFile
end if
end repeat
end deleteOldFilesFromFolder
on writeLogLine(logLine)
write logLine & lf to logFile
end writeLogLine
Model: MacBook Pro
AppleScript: 2.4.3
Browser: Chrome 20.0.1132.47
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)