Add mp3s to iTunes in reverse album order?

I leave my iTunes ordered by my “most recently added” because I’m always just wanting to listen to what is most recent. This works great, but if I just drag a folder of mp3s onto iTunes it adds them randomly. If I add a 10 track album I do so by adding them one at a time beginning with track 10, then, and so forth so that they songs then play 1-10, as the album is intended.

It’s a pain to add albums one mp3 at a time so that they will play in album order. Is there a script I can run on a folder to see if the contents are in numerical order and then add them how I mentioned above?

Hi. You could sort them with Finder, but, unless the point is to learn scripting, your task seems best resolved without the effort. The album’s metadata already contains play order. If you want to limit your listenings to recent tracks, create a smart playlist and limit the date added is within X days variable, then view by album.