Hello Macscripters,
i wrote an Applescripts that reads comments from a text file and adds them as spotlight comments to my files.
This text file was generated as a tab seperated file from Filemaker export and looks like this.
Users:xxx:Desktop:spotlight:folder1: file_38_01 COMMENT1, COMMENT TEXT1 PNG Bild
Users:xxx:Desktop:spotlight:folder1: file_49_01 COMMENT2, COMMENT TEXT2 PNG Bild
Users:xxx:Desktop:spotlight:folder2: file_01_01 COMMENT3, COMMENT TEXT3 PNG Bild
Users:xxx:Desktop:spotlight:folder2: file_01_02 COMMENT4, COMMENT TEXT4 PNG Bild
Users:xxx:Desktop:spotlight:folder3: file_43_01 COMMENT5, COMMENT TEXT5 PNG Bild
I have 4 columns to extract all the information that I need. In my script, all comments from my textfile where added as spotlight comments and if I hit cmd+I on each file I can see the comments but in spotlight search they where not displayed.
If I do a $mdls file_38_01.png | grep Comment in the terminal I did not get a result for kMDItemFinderComment. It is NULL
If I do not read the comments to be added from the tab seperated file
but as a string in the script the spotlight search is working.
This just drives me nuts since two days.
I supposed it is an issue with the string or the text file.
Do I have to read my list in a different way or as Unicode text?
Or do I have to update the spotlight index?
Can someone help me out here?
set theFile to "/Users/xxx/Desktop/spotlight/myspotlight.txt"
set theFileReference to open for access theFile
set theData to read theFileReference using delimiter return
close access theFileReference
set theBigList to {}
set text item delimiters to tab
repeat with i from 1 to count of theData
set theLine to text items of item i of theData
copy theLine to the end of theBigList
end repeat
set ext to ".png"
repeat with i from 1 to (count of theBigList)
set text item delimiters to ""
set theSFXPathname to item 1 of item i of theBigList
set theSFXFilename to item 2 of item i of theBigList
set theSpotlightComment to item 3 of item i of theBigList
set theFileType to item 4 of item i of theBigList
set theCompleteURL to theSFXPathname & theSFXFilename
set theSlashFilename to POSIX path of theCompleteURL -- ////
if theFileType is equal to "PNG-Bild (Portable Network Graphics)" then
tell application "Finder"
if exists theSlashFilename as POSIX file then
display dialog theFileType & " " & theSlashFilename
do shell script "mv " & theSlashFilename & " " & theSlashFilename & ext
end if
end tell
end if
set theSlashFilename to theSlashFilename & ext
set theDoublePointFilename to file theSlashFilename as POSIX file -- ::::
--set theAlias to alias theDoublePointFilename
tell application "Finder" to set comment of file theDoublePointFilename to (theSpotlightComment)
--tell application "Finder" to set comment of theAlias to (theSpotlightComment as string)
display dialog (do shell script "mdls " & theSlashFilename & " | grep Comment")
end repeat
display dialog "All files has been added with spotlight comment"
Model: Mac Book Pro 2GHz Core i7 | 4GB RAM
AppleScript: 2.4.2
Browser: Firefox 12.0
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.7)