I am collecting a bunch of addressbook data and storing it into a tab delimited file which ends up looking like this:
001_nickname full_name email@email.com Groups: [group_name1, group_name2l], Phone: [work: (555) 555-5555, home: (555) 555-5555]
So because I am generating an id (“001”) at the beginning of the nickname field, and I need to retreive the data from addressbook alphabetically by first name.
I am accessing contact cards this way:
tell application "Address Book" to tell people
repeat with thisPerson in it
tell thisPerson to if (count emails) > 0 then
set {o, p, e, el, g, b, n, f, l, mn, sn, nn, ph, phl} to its {organization, name, email's value, label of email, name of group, birth date, note, first name, last name, middle name, suffix, nickname, value of phone, label of phone}
-- analyze all data and copy it to the end of a list...
end tell
end repeat
end tell
-- put the contents of the list with tab delimiters into a text file...
So I am wondering is there some way to do something like:
tell application "Address Book" to tell people sorted by first name
Thank you.