Adobe CC upgrade changed my script

Sorry I don’t have the original. Years ago on CS6 I made a script that pulled InCopy stories out of an InDesign document based on text frames and parent stories, deduped the resulting list and then output the list to a Word document.

Opening the script with Adobe CC the alters some of the script such that the line reads

set «class UIAc» of «class pScr» to «constant elnteInA»

No idea how to fix. The script still works only now it doesn’t remove duplicates in the list of stories, so that if a story spans several pages, the story will be repeated for each page.

Here is the script as it stands now.

global WordDocName
global wrongText
global myStories
--set uniqueInCopyStories to {}
--set wrongText to "BASE"

tell application "System Events"
	set theDoc to choose file without multiple selections allowed
	set theDocInfo to info for theDoc
	set theDocName to name of theDocInfo
	set theDocName to characters 1 thru -6 of theDocName as text
	set WordDocName to theDocName as text
	set WordDocName to WordDocName & ".docx" as text
	display dialog WordDocName
	set theDocName to theDocName & return
end tell

activate application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
	set «class UIAc» of «class pScr» to «constant elnteNvr»
	ignoring application responses
		open theDoc without «class uiDL»
	end ignoring
	set «class UIAc» of «class pScr» to «constant elnteInA»
end tell

set myStories to {}

my processFiles(theDoc)

set mylist to items 1 thru -1 of myStories

set firstList to mylist

set secondList to RemoveDuplicates(firstList)

--secondList --> {1, 2, 3, 4}

set mynewlist to {}
repeat with i from 1 to (count of secondList)
	set myitem to item i of secondList as text
	set end of mynewlist to myitem
end repeat

set mystring to mynewlist as string
--return mystring

my processWordDoc(theDocName, mystring, WordDocName)

on processFiles(theDoc)
	tell application "Adobe InDesign CC 2018"
		delay 30
		ignoring application responses
			open theDoc without dialog
		end ignoring
		--open theDoc
		tell «class pacd»
			set myPages to every «class page»
			repeat with i from 1 to count of myPages
				tell item i of myPages
					set myTextFrames to (every «class txtf» of item i of myPages)
					repeat with aTextFrame in myTextFrames
						if «class plnk» of «class strp» of aTextFrame is not «constant senmnada» then
							if «class strp»'s «class plnk»'s «class lnkt» of aTextFrame is "InCopyMarkup" then
								set mystorytitle to «class sTtl» of aTextFrame's «class strp»
								set myLabel to «class ptag» of aTextFrame
								set myText to characters 1 thru -1 of mystorytitle as string
								--if myText does not contain wrongText then
								set myStory to aTextFrame's «class strp»'s contents
								copy "Page " & (name of item i of myPages) & " " & mystorytitle & return & myLabel & return & myStory & return & return to end of myStories
							end if
						end if
						--end if
					end repeat
				end tell
			end repeat
		end tell
	end tell
end processFiles

on processWordDoc(theDocName, mystring, WordDocName)
	tell application "Microsoft Word"
		set newDoc to make new document
copy styles from template active document template ¬
			"Macintosh HD:Users:Shared:headings.dotm"
		copy theDocName & mystring to content of text object of newDoc
		save as active document file name WordDocName
		my textblue()
	end tell
end processWordDoc

on textblue()
	with timeout of 600 seconds
		tell application "Microsoft Word"
			set myFind to find object of text object of active document
			tell myFind
				clear formatting
				set content of myFind to "(Page )(*^13)"
				clear formatting of its replacement
				set match wildcards to true
				set content of its replacement to "\\1\\2"
				set color of font object of its replacement to "blue"
					execute find replace replace all with match forward
			end tell
		end tell
	end timeout
end textblue

on RemoveDuplicates(inputList)
	set outputList to {}
	repeat with i from 1 to length of inputList
		--    We make testItem a single-item list to ensure
		--    that sublists of the inputList are properly
		--    looked for in the outputlist.
		set thisItem to item i of inputList
		set testItem to {thisItem}
		if (outputList does not contain testItem) then
			set end of outputList to thisItem
		end if
	end repeat
	return outputList
end RemoveDuplicates

This is a partial log history of where I think the error is happening.

get every text frame of page id 192 of spread id 187 of document id 3
		--> {text frame id 38186 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38211 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38237 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38626 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38551 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38264 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38601 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38526 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38289 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38576 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38501 of spread id 187 of document id 3, text frame id 38317 of spread id 187 of document id 3}
	get item link of parent story of text frame id 38186 of spread id 187 of document id 3
		--> nothing
	get item link of parent story of text frame id 38211 of spread id 187 of document id 3
		--> nothing
	get item link of parent story of text frame id 38237 of spread id 187 of document id 3
		--> nothing
	get item link of parent story of text frame id 38626 of spread id 187 of document id 3
		--> nothing
	get item link of parent story of text frame id 38551 of spread id 187 of document id 3
		--> nothing

What might I do to fix the script so there are no duplicates.

Model: iMac
AppleScript: 2.11
Browser: Safari 537.36
Operating System: macOS 10.14

Hi. I don’t have InCopy, so I can’t advise you with that specifically. It appears the problem may have arisen from your choice to target text frames. Try getting the stories’ text more directly. Something along these lines could work:

set theWords to {}

tell application "Adobe InDesign CS3"'s document 1 to repeat with aStory in stories
	tell aStory to if not item link is nothing then set my theWords's end to its text
end repeat

tell application "Finder" to write theWords to ((make file) as alias)