I’m having trouble using text copied from Adobe Reader.
I’m trying get text via clipboard from a formatted document in Adobe Reader. Here’s the problem.
When I grab text from the clipboard into a variable in Applescript, I get stray line feeds or carriage returns. If I paste the same clipboard data into TextEdit it looks fine.
Here’s a fragment:
In Applescript using- set InputText to the clipboard:
üda Ärka Üles (Awake, My Heart) E Estonian Folk Song, Hiiumaa Province
éja Liepa (A Linden Tree Had) T Traditional Lithuanian Folk Song
du D
When I paste into TextEdit:
Mu Süda Ärka Üles (Awake, My Heart) Estonian Folk Song, Hiiumaa Province
Turéja Liepa (A Linden Tree Had) Traditional Lithuanian Folk Song
Odu Dancis (Mosquito Dance) Marģeris Zariņš
Ein Bernelis per Laukelį (A Young Man Goes Through the Field) Lithuanian Folk Song, arr. Kristina
There’s a lot of accented characters. This is for a script to strip out diacriticals.
Is there a way to bring in useable text from the clipboard via Adobe Reader?