Hi Everyone,
I am a born-again AppleSripter (in other words, I am new to AppleScript), but I heard of the many wonderfull things this does. Anyway, at my Job, we would have to do a lot of things manually on our macs, and they have given me the project to make an appleScript that will do it all for us. YOUR HELP WILL BE GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!
Here’s the project:
With AppleScript, I have to connect to a Microsoft SQL Server and collect pictures from there. then I have to save the (EPS) pictures from there to a folder in the local drive (the Mac computer). Next I have to have all the pictures dragged over into another folder which will contain distiller actions (will convert the EPS to PDF and save them into a new folder). After that, I need to get all the converted files and drag them to a Photoshop Droplet which will convert them to JPEGs and save them to another folder. Once thats done, I then need all the files to be uplaoded through FTP, and then delete the content in all the folders that we used on the local drive. And as an added bonus, all this has to be run everyday at 8:00pm.
I know this is really long and maybe hard, but I am willing to pay some money for this code if it comes down to that. Thanks ahead of time to all those that help out in ANY way