I’m sorry if this has been asked before, as I don’t really know what search terms to search for.
We have a directory of a bunch of pictures taken from a webcam. Every 4 images are of a different view. The directory would be like this 1,2,3,4,1,2,3,4
We need automator to go through a directory and take out every 4th picture and move it to a different directory, then every 3rd picture, then every 2nd picture. etc.
Thanks for the help
This should not be a huge problem, but you will need to provide more details. It sounds like creating an Automator Folder Action would work the best, depending on how the filenames of the images are generated by the webcam. Have you tried anything specific yet?
See that’s the problem, the files will be named file001, file002, file003, file004 but I just want to separate them into different folders.
OK, that’s a start. Can one assume that there will be four folders, something Cam001, Cam002, etc., each to hold the corresponding file001, file002 images? Have you thought about how you would like the files re-named as they are sorted? The simplest and most reliable would be to rename each image in association with the date and time it was moved to the new folder. Sequential naming can get tedious after the folders begin to fill up.