First, let me state that I did search for the answer before I posted but did not find what I need.
Second, maybe the reason I couldn’t find anything is because my question doesn’t make sense. Here it is anyway:
I have an iCal alarm set to run a script at 11:10 PM on Monday. When 11:10 PM rolls around the iCal helper runs the script associated with the alarm - so far so good. What I need to know is, 1) when the script gets kicked off from the iCal event does it have the UID information for that event associated with it and 2) How do I capture it? I ask because if the process the event is supposed to run does not detect any updated files then the script will reset the alarm on the event to activate in another 15 minutes (etc.) until the updated files are found. The script that updates the alarm works as does the script that adds a new event for the next day after the current event completes, but right now in order to update the ONE event that needs it I am forced to collect ALL Of the UIDs in the calendar, parse through the ones with a matching summary, then find the description that I have created to be a kind of UID that matches then update THAT event. It works, just not quickly or efficiently.
Any ideas?