[ANN] 'Everyday AppleScriptObjC'

I’m pleased to announce the release of ‘Everyday AppleScriptObjC’, an introduction to writing AppleScriptObjC-based script libraries in OS X Mavericks.

‘Everyday AppleScriptObjC’ walks you through the mechanics, gets you over the initial learning hump, and then takes you through a series of practical examples of how to use some of the most important classes. All the code samples are supplied with the book, which is published in PDF form.

With AppleScriptObjC-based script libraries, AppleScriptObjC is an everyday tool, conveniently callable from any and every script you write.

‘Everyday AppleScriptObjC’ is aimed at the scripter who wants to do more. It is written for scripters, by a scripter.

You can read more here: www.macosxautomation.com/applescript/apps/everyday_book.html, or just ask.


The code from AsObj-C Explorer that handles lists of lists, is it in there? :slight_smile:

Second question: Will this continue as a stand alone book (with the libraries), or are you going to incorporate it into your first one?

Sorry, I’m not sure what you’re referring to. Most of the scripts in it are fairly short – it’s more about the techniques, and covering a variety of classes.

It will stay separate. There are a few things that are different in ASObjC-based libraries than in Xcode projects, and they are a lot simpler in many ways; for example, you’re not creating subclasses, so you’re not doing things like overriding methods.

My expectation is that more people will use ASObjC in libraries because the learning curve is shorter and the results can be used more widely.


I was just wondering, if the code for the commands in the Lists Suite of AsObjc Runner was included. :slight_smile:

No, that’s a matter of putting them into a framework. When I get a chance I’ll do that, and post them somewhere separately. Then people will be able to incorporate them into their own libraries as well.

Having glimpsed through the AppleDocs, I am sure the book is great value for money, this stuff is rather complicated. :slight_smile:

After looking for Apple documentation for a half hour, after buying Shane’s book I found the answer in 10 minutes. Thank you, Shane. Recommended :slight_smile:

Thanks for the feedback, Jerry.