I am running an Xserve on OS X Server 10.4.10
I am having the same issue. It seems that Apple claims that OS X Server has native support for AppleScript CGI’s but everything they claim is a phantom. They claim you NEED OS X server, that all you need to do is run the ACGI Enabler in the utilities folder. Which does not exist.
The optional program"acgi dispatcher" has no online support and has not been updated since 2005 so I can not speak to it’s effective use. But i can only get it to work in OS 10.4 (Client) not OS X Server.
So can ANYBODY please help. This was a simple service 7 years ago, but now seems to be impossible even with the BEST technology.
So i implore the Mac Hints Community, can anybody explain how i can get AppleScript CGI’s (acgi’s) working in Mac OS 10.4 Server?
Any help is appreciated,
PS> Here are your references.
Quote; “AppleScript CGIs are fully supported with Apache running on Mac OS X Server. See the Mac OS X Server release notes for more information.”
-Looking in that Server notes
Quote: For dynamic content, consider recoding your existing CGIs using the native Mac OS X Server web server capabilities. You can also run AFIP CGIs based on AppleScript, and it’s no longer necessary to have the Classic environment available to run them; run the ACGI Enabler (in /Applications/Utilities/) to set up Apache support for these legacy CGIs.
That magical “ACGI Enabler” does not exist ANYWHERE, that exact reference is in the 10.3 Server Notes as well
-So I went looking in apple support
Quote: “Mac OS X Server 10.3 does not include the AppleScript CGI enabler, and it does not support running AppleScript CGIs”
-So I dug some more
There is agrees. PLEASE HELP