App Rejected - Insights?


I have had my app in the App Store for months and I tried to update it recently, but it was rejected based on the reasons below. I didn’t make any changes to the app really besides changing some “choose file” dialogs to NSOpenPanels. Wondering if anyone has any insights… I’m really confused as the file path Apple is saying my app is accessing isn’t even really a file path. Thanks for your input

2.30: Apps that do not comply with the Mac OS X File System documentation will be rejected

The application accesses the following location(s):


The majority of developers encountering this issue are opening files in Read/Write mode instead of Read-Only mode, in which case it should be changed to Read-Only.

Other common reasons for this issue include:

  • creating or writing files in the above location(s), which are not valid locations for files to be written as stated in documentation

  • writing to the above location(s) without using a valid app-id as a container for the written files

Please review the “File-System Usage Requirements for the App Store” of Submitting to the Mac App Store for the locations apps are allowed to write and for further guidance.

Contact them and refer them to radar:10266092. The likely problem is OSALoadFile, which is what gets used to load most scripts these days, including via both AppleScriptObjC and “load script”, and which always tries to open the file with read/write permission first, regardless of whether or not it actually needs it, and then falls back to read-only if it can’t get it. Unfortunately, this provokes a warning from sandbox.

You can also try making all your script files read-only, but that might cause problems with code-signing. But do point out that the OSALoadFile problem is an OS bug.

Or you could try again in a couple of weeks…

Thank you Shane, you always know the answer! I’ll follow up via Resolution Center, but I’m not betting on the resolution part. I assume you’re referring to Mavericks in your “couple weeks” comment, or perhaps just the time it takes for an app to go from Submitted to In-Review? :stuck_out_tongue:

Do you think this is just a matter of whomever reviewed my app before “missed” or “skipped” this issue and its been in existence all along… or is it rather this most recent person reviewing my app is not aware of a bug? Or is this a new bug in 10.8.5 and/or Xcode 5?

I only know the answer because I heard of a similar case recently, and sought some clarification. The bug is not new, but I suspect there’s been a change in the review process.

I’m not sure I can answer the first part :wink: