I need a way to add (append) to a selection in Photoshop using AppleScript.
In order to paste a pathed image from one image onto a template image in exactly the correct position, I need to add a small square of selection in the upper left corner of the image after loading the path as a selection. I will remove these pixels later. The result will need to be a perfectly sized/placed transparent .png image for a website.
To create a selection of the path and then append to the selection a small area in the upper left corner.
I thought about creating a new path on the template but how do I load BOTH paths as a selection.
in Photoshop I just use the shift key. Then I thought maybe/how to use System Events to use the shift key for this task…
Can anyone give some ideas on how I can do this? I have tried all day yesterday!
(Another option for me would be an ability to paste a selected area and move it on the layer to be centered and on a baseline)
tell application “Adobe Photoshop 2021”
tell current document
create selection path item “Path 1”
(select region {{0, 0}, {50, 0}, {50, 50}, {0, 50}})
end tell
end tell
Thank you for any suggestions!
Model: 2019 MacBook Pro 16"
AppleScript: Script Debugger 7
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14
As a solution, I am trying to combine 2 paths into one selection. I think this is possible? Below errors.
path named “GUIDE_01” already exists. If I can make a selection of both paths I can move on!
tell application “Adobe Photoshop 2021”
tell current document
(select region {{0, 0}, {50, 0}, {50, 50}, {0, 50}})
make work path selection tolerance 1
set properties of path item “Work Path” to {name:“My path”}
make clipping path path item “My path” flatness 1
--set theClippingPaths to {path item "My path", "GUIDE_01"} --ALSO ERRORS
create selection {path item "My path" & path item "GUIDE_01"} feather amount 0 with antialiasing
Hi. I don’t believe this can be done using a region, as you’d end up with a shape that intersects itself. If you have two paths:
tell application "Adobe Photoshop CS3"'s document 1
create selection path item 1 operation replaced
create selection path item 2 operation extended
end tell
Hi Marc
I gave it my best for about a day. I could not find a solution anywhere.
This does exactly what I need. Now when I copy and paste onto a template image that has a selection active, it places the image in the perfect position. Apples to Apples now. Original image has a canvas size created exactly the size of the selection in the final template.
I only had to add deselect the path. I’ll write something to remove the square of white pixels on my final template.
Thank you again Marc. I am grateful.
tell application “Adobe Photoshop 2021”
tell current document
(select region {{0, 0}, {50, 0}, {50, 50}, {0, 50}})
make work path selection tolerance 1
set properties of path item “Work Path” to {name:“My path”}
make clipping path path item “My path” flatness 1
create selection path item "My path" operation replaced
create selection path item "Path 1" operation extended
deselect path item "My path"