Applescript, Aperture and Moving Images between Projects

The following works to move images between projects, where I have a group of images that I want to break out based on the first 4 characters of their name.

tell application "Aperture"
	tell library 1
		set theImages to name of every image version of project "v"
		repeat with theImage in theImages
			set theProject to "Foo " & characters 1 thru 4 of theImage as string
			if exists project theProject then
				move image version theImage of project "v" to project theProject
				make new project with properties {name:theProject}
				move image version theImage of project "v" to project theProject
			end if
		end repeat
	end tell
end tell

The problem is, it is very slow. Is there a way to tell Aperture to move a set of images to a new location as opposed to having to repeat through each image?