Does anyone know if it’s possible to make an app bundle accept dropped files and perhaps send them to a folder within the bundle? Or should I use a disk image.
Does anyone know if it’s possible to make an app bundle accept dropped files and perhaps send them to a folder within the bundle? Or should I use a disk image.
Hello kel1
The Finder refuses to do the job but the command mv accept to do it.
My understanding is that the Shell make no difference between a folder, a package, an application (which is a package).
on open sel # sel contient une liste d'alias des éléments
# qu'on a déposés sur l'icône du script (la sélection)
set myPath to quoted form of POSIX path of (path to me) as text
repeat with aFile in sel
do shell script "mv " & quoted form of POSIX path of (aFile as text) & space & myPath
end repeat
end open # fin 2
Of course, it may be better to store the files in a subfolder of the package but I’m sure that you can do that without me
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 21 septembre 2014 12:16:58
Here is the “on open” section of one that I wrote the other day. It’s a “wrapper” for a new AU/X emulator called Shoebill, and it’s designed to let you drop a ROM file and a disk image file into it.
Some of this code is very messy, with commands that really aren’t needed at all, mostly because I haven’t cleaned up some older code that I reused. Also, that older code was written before I learned to use System Events instead of the Finder. Probably the Finder should be replaced with System Events to make it faster wherever possible.
property msgTitle : "AUXrunner"
property sizeList : {"262144"} -- known good ROM file sizes
on open theDrop
if (count of theDrop) is greater than 1 then
set dialogText to "Drop either a file named "MacII.rom" or a disk image on me." & return & return & "Drop only one file at a time."
end if
repeat with dropFile in theDrop
tell application "System Events"
set dropName to the name of dropFile
set dropExt to the name extension of dropFile
end tell
if dropName is "MacII.ROM" then
set dropFile to dropFile as string
tell application "Finder"
set thisPosix to POSIX path of (dropFile as alias)
set romSize to size of (dropFile as alias) as string
end tell
if romSize is in sizeList then
tell me to activate
display dialog "The file that you dropped does not have the correct size for use in this system." buttons {"Sorry"} default button 1 with title msgTitle giving up after 20
error number -128
end if
set thisApp to path to me as text
set romFilePath to (thisApp & "Contents:Resources:Files:rom:Macii.rom")
set romFilePosix to quoted form of (POSIX path of romFilePath)
do shell script "cp " & quoted form of thisPosix & space & romFilePosix
on error
set dialogText to "Could not copy ROM file into this application. Sorry."
end try
tell me to activate
display dialog "ROM file copied successfully." & return & return & "Add disk images according to the instructions." buttons {"OK"} with title msgTitle giving up after 10
error number -128
set extList to {"cdr", "iso", "dmg", "dsk", "img", "toast", "image"}
if dropExt is in extList then
my installDisk(dropFile)
set dialogText to "Please drop either a file named "MacII.rom" or a disk image on me." & return & return & "Do not drop any other kind of file."
end if
end if
end repeat
error number -128
end open
on run
-- omitted
end run
on installDisk(dropFile)
tell application "Finder"
set newDiskPosix to POSIX path of (dropFile as alias)
end tell
set thisApp to (path to me) as text
set myContents to (thisApp & "Contents:") as text
set myContentsPosix to POSIX path of myContents
set resourcesFolder to (thisApp & "Contents:Resources:") as text
set filesPosix to POSIX path of resourcesFolder & "Files/"
set disk0Folder to filesPosix & "disk0/"
set disk0Posix to do shell script "ls" & space & quoted form of disk0Folder
if the disk0Posix is "" then
tell me to activate
display dialog "Do you want me to move" & return & return & newDiskPosix & return & return & "into this application as bootable disk0 in AU/X?" buttons {"Yes", "Cancel"} default button 1 with title msgTitle
if button returned of result is "Cancel" then
error number -128
do shell script "mv -f" & space & quoted form of newDiskPosix & space & quoted form of disk0Folder
tell me to activate
display dialog "Your disk image has been moved into this application." & return & return & "Please restart me." buttons {"OK"} with title msgTitle giving up after 5
error number -128
end if
set oldDisk0Path to (disk0Folder & disk0Posix)
tell me to activate
display dialog "Do you want me to move" & return & return & newDiskPosix & return & return & "into this application as bootable disk0 in AU/X, replacing the existing disk: " & return & return & disk0Posix buttons {"Yes", "Cancel"} default button 1 with title msgTitle
if button returned of result is "Cancel" then
error number -128
display dialog "Do you want to move the existing disk to the Trash (so you can recover it) or delete it permanently?" buttons {"Move to Trash", "Delete forever"} default button 1 with title msgTitle
if button returned of result is "Delete forever" then
do shell script "rm" & space & quoted form of oldDisk0Path
do shell script "mv -f" & space & quoted form of newDiskPosix & space & quoted form of disk0Folder
display dialog "Your disk image has been moved into this application." & return & return & "Please restart me." buttons {"OK"} with title msgTitle giving up after 5
error number -128
tell application "Finder"
set oldImage to POSIX file oldDisk0Path as alias
move file oldImage to trash
end tell
do shell script "mv -f" & space & quoted form of newDiskPosix & space & quoted form of disk0Folder
display dialog "Your disk image has been moved into this application." & return & return & "Please restart me." buttons {"OK"} with title msgTitle giving up after 5
error number -128
end if
end if
end if
tell me to quit
error number -128
end installDisk
on errorQuit(dialogText) -- Fatal error, quitting script
tell me to activate
display dialog dialogText buttons {"OK"} default button 1 with icon stop with title msgTitle giving up after 20
tell me to quit
error number -128
end errorQuit
Someone who actually knows something about Applescript can do a lot better than this. I simply throw code into the editor at random until something works.
Hi Yvan and emendelson,
I can’t use droplets because droplets do not accept all files.
As I was driving along, it came to mind that a installer package might work. I remember using something called Package Maker and was sure that Apple had included it in Xcode’s Developer Tools. Well, it seems that it needs to be downloaded, but the one I found doesn’t work here in Mavericks. That’s strange, because I was sure Apple would have included a installer package.
Thanks anyway though,
Interesting: which files are not accepted?
And, although I haven’t tested it, this might be of interest to readers of this thread:
kel1 is probably speaking of :
internet location file
He opened a thread :
dedicated to them.
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 22 septembre 2014 18:50:57