[AppleScript]tell application “Pages”
set Doc to open PathFileDoel as alias
set DocPDF to PathFileDoelPDF
export Doc to file DocPDF as PDF
close Doc
end tell
Is there a similar command to export a numbers file to PDF (I suppose so) and can I choose the sheets to export?
The numbers file contains 5 sheets, and I only want to export 3 of them.
It is possible, but if you want keep original numbers file as is, you should create temporary duplicate file. Because exporting automatically saves edited numbers document with deleted sheets. And, you should export to existing (pdf) file, to avoid permission problems:
set destinationFolder to (path to desktop) as text
set theFile to choose file of type "numbers"
tell application "Finder"
set docName to name of theFile
set theDuplicate to duplicate file (theFile as text) -- create duplicate
try -- try block, because maybe destination file already exists
make new file at folder destinationFolder with properties {name:(docName & ".pdf")}
end try
end tell
tell application "Numbers"
set Doc to open (theDuplicate as text as alias) -- open the duplicate
delete sheets 4 thru -1 of Doc
set PDFExportFileName to destinationFolder & docName & ".pdf"
export Doc to file PDFExportFileName as PDF
close documents saving no -- quit without saving
end tell
-- delete the temporary duplicate (if need)
tell application "System Events" to delete file (theDuplicate as text)
If the sheets to display contain formulas using data from the other sheets, an extraneous step would be required: copy cells containing formulas and paste the resulting values.
This way you would be able to remove the extraneous sheets without generating errors.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) lundi 22 février 2021 20:42:23
I have done it in the way you suggest it. First make a copy of the file, then copy and past the cells with a formula , delete the unnecessary files, export it to pdf and remove the numbers file.
(Unfortunately, some cells in het workbook are merged cells, so I have the remerge them after the copy past.)
Here is my code (for those who are interested):
on ExportNumbersPDF(Deelverslag, DocumentFullNaam)
tell application "Finder"
set Map to characters 1 thru -((offset of ":" in (reverse of items of DocumentFullNaam as string)) + 1) of DocumentFullNaam as string
set Copie to duplicate file DocumentFullNaam to folder Map
set name of Copie to ((Deelverslag & ".numbers") as text)
end tell
tell application "Numbers"
set Werkboek to open (Map & ":" & Deelverslag & ".numbers") as alias
tell Werkboek
if Deelverslag contains "RTO" then
tell table "RTO-1" of sheet "RTO"
repeat with i from 14 to 17 by 1
repeat with j from 2 to 12 by 2
tell column j
set celinhoud to value of the cell i
set value of the cell i to celinhoud
end tell
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end if
if Deelverslag contains "RTO" or Deelverslag contains "MV" then
set BladNaam to Deelverslag & " - Administratieve gegevens"
tell table "Tabel 1" of sheet BladNaam
tell column 3
repeat with i from 5 to 46 by 1
set celinhoud to value of the cell i
set value of the cell i to celinhoud
end repeat
end tell
end tell
set BladNaam to Deelverslag & " - Voorblad"
tell table "Tabel 1" of sheet BladNaam
tell column 17
repeat with i from 1 to 3 by 1
set celinhoud to value of the cell i
set value of the cell i to celinhoud
end repeat
end tell
tell column 8
repeat with i from 6 to 10 by 1
set celinhoud to value of the cell i
set value of the cell i to celinhoud
end repeat
end tell
set celinhoud to value of the cell "E24"
set value of the cell "E24" to celinhoud
merge range "D24:F24"
set celinhoud to value of the cell "G24"
set value of the cell "G24" to celinhoud
set celinhoud to value of the cell "E31"
set value of the cell "E31" to celinhoud
merge range "B31:I31"
set celinhoud to value of the cell "M31"
set value of the cell "M31" to celinhoud
merge range "J31:P31"
end tell
end if
repeat with i from (count of sheets) to 1 by -1
set BladNaam to name of sheet i
if BladNaam does not contain Deelverslag then
delete sheet i
end if
end repeat
end tell
export Werkboek as PDF to file ((Map & ":" & Deelverslag & ".pdf") as text)
close Werkboek
end tell
tell application "Finder" to delete (Map & ":" & Deelverslag & ".numbers")
end ExportNumbersPDF
P.S. Why is my code not appearing is the code environment? What am I doing wrong?