Applescript GUI scripting responding to dialog without title?

I’ve got a folder action script for automating Acrobat OCR put together from a variety of sources including:
Applescript code posted by Joe Kissell in MacWorld (
Document Snap (
and other places (can’t find the references right at the moment).

The problem I’m having is that if I add a PDF that has “renderable” text in it, Acrobat displays a dialog to indicate that OCR couldn’t be done as the page (and document) contains renderable text.

The problem is that this dialog (see ) has no title, so I’m not sure how I can setup some error trapping to intercept the dialog, log the issue, then continue to process the next file in queue. Can I “read” the text in the dialog? And I’d like to be able to check the checkbox to not display the error again in the document (that way I need to check for the error only once). Then, I can just close the file (without saving), log the error, and move on.

Any help from those assembled here would be greatly appreciated.



Here’s my current code:

on adding folder items to this_folder after receiving these_items
	--delay 240
	(* Finder Label Colors	No color = 0	Orange = 1	Red = 2	Yellow = 3	Blue = 4	Purple = 5	Green = 6		Gray = 7 *)
	repeat with i from 1 to number of items in these_items
		set this_item to item i of these_items
		set the item_info to info for this_item
		set the item_size to size of (info for this_item)
--		set delay_time to ((item_size / 1024 / 30) as integer)
		set file_type to name extension of (info for this_item)
		if file_type is equal to "pdf" then
			tell application "Finder"
				set label index of this_item to 2
			end tell
				tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
					open this_item
				end tell
				tell application "System Events"
					tell application process "AdobeAcrobat"
						click the menu item "Recognize Text Using OCR..." of menu 1 of menu item "OCR Text Recognition" of the menu "Document" of menu bar 1
							click radio button "All pages" of group 1 of group 2 of group 1 of window "Recognize Text"
						end try
						click button "OK" of window "Recognize Text"
					end tell

--Need to insert renderable text error handler here(?)

				end tell
				with timeout of 600 seconds
					tell application "Adobe Acrobat Pro"
						save the front document with linearize
						close the front document
					end tell
				end timeout
				tell application "Finder"
					set label index of this_item to 6
				end tell
			end try
		end if
	end repeat
end adding folder items to

You can run a script like this to find out what the ui elements are and then play them to find out what you can do. For example, if you find a checkbox you can probably select it, or click it, to get it to check. Find an element that is unique to the window and check for that to detect the error window… or find the ui element containing the text and “get text” of that.

tell application "System Events"
	tell application process "AdobeAcrobat"
		set theElements to UI elements of window 1
	end tell
end tell