AppleScript Outlook

I cant get text the way I want in body of email in Outlook

here is what I want:

here is my code

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
	set theContent to return & return & return & "eMam" & return & "test"

	open theMessage -- for further editing
end tell

here is what I get
emam test

why is RETURN not working

What happens if you run a script that has only that line in it? Do you get returns then?

Also, what happens if you substitute linefeed for return, eg:

set theContent to linefeed & linefeed & linefeed & "eMam" & linefeed & "test"

Does that work when inside the outlook tell block?

Finally, what about if you manually type the enter/return key, eg

set theContent to "


I think this is because Microsoft Windows lives in a linefeed, not a carriage return-based world.

(lots of history behind TTY devices goes into that semi-religious war).

In either case, this seems to get what you want in Outlook:

tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
	set theContent to linefeed & linefeed & linefeed & "eMam" & linefeed & "test"
	--	open theMessage -- for further editing
end tell

The alternative would be to construct your string outside of the Outlook block:

set theContent to return & return & return & "eMam" & return & "test"
tell application "Microsoft Outlook"
    open theMessage
end tell

but this might not be an option if you’re trying to construct the string with content from the message in question.