AppleScript\Quark 6\Usage For

My script will open a folder of Quark docs, but will stop if it encounters missing fonts.

The doc opens and then a Usage for _______ window opens, requiring operator intervention. Three options: Done \ Show first \ Replace. Purpose of this script is font-independent, so I want to simply move on. I don’t want to substitute/change fonts; I merely want to click Done (or its equivalent).

Examining Quark’ dictionary, I cannot figure out how to refer to this warning window nor how to send a click to the Done option or otherwise proceed beyond this point.


I’m not clear on why the Usage window is opening at all. Are you opening it with your script?

If you just want to open Quark documents and ignore font warnings use the remap fonts parameter in the open command.

open‚v : Open the specified object(s)
open reference : list of objects to open
[use doc prefs yes/no/ask] : use document or application preferences
[remap fonts no/ask] : remap document fonts which don’t exist in the current system
[do auto picture import yes/no/ask] : whether or not to re-import any missing pictures
[reflow boolean] : “with reflow” will update the flow version of the document

As in:

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	open thisFileAlias remap fonts no
end tell

If the document prefs are interfering, you can also use the use doc prefs parameter.

tell application "QuarkXPress"
	open thisFileAlias remap fonts no use doc prefs no
end tell

thanks for the response

my code, in part, reads:

tell application “QuarkXpress”
set open document preference to keep document settings
open thisFile use doc prefs yes remap fonts no do auto picture import no
end tell

The window I referenced warns of fonts used in the document but not currently open (issued by Quark and not by my script).

I did try remap fonts yes; however, it did not make a difference (nor did it seem to reassign the offending font to somethng that was available). I do want to make sure, though, that I change no font info. I don’t want Quark or the OS or whatever to substitute a font. At a later time the appropriate fonts will be turned on if need be.

Well, that’s strange. I can’t replicate the behavior. I’ve set up Quark to open the Usage panel when a doc opens with fonts missing but when I execute the script with remap fonts no, I don’t get the Usage panel, which is the correct behavior. Have you tried changing the app prefs so the Do not display the “Missing Font” dialog in the Font Mapping section is disabled? I have no idea if that will help, I’m just curious to know if it might.


my open:
open thisfile use doc prefs yes remap fonts no do auto picture import no

your open:
open thisFileAlias remap fonts no use doc prefs no

I changed the placement of my remap to what you show:
open thisFile remap fonts no use doc prefs yes do auto picture import no

Now it works; I don’t see that Usage dialog anymore.

Seems strange, but I’ll take it.

Thanks for your help.