Newbie to AppleScript here but basic programming knowledge.
Many I please ask for some help to use AppleScript to:
- Open a local text file (containing a list of numbers (1-9999)…up to a thousand numbers)
eg /users/aw/documents/automate/data.txt
(Could use a csv or any other delimiter if it’s easier)
- Read the first number from the file
- Enter that number into a text input box in a web app through Safari (or Chrome if recommended) (either a keystroke or possibly paste).
- Press Return in Safari
- Repeat until end of file.
Hopefully this is a pretty basic ‘read … keystroke/paste’. Don’t need anything too fancy.
Any help much appreciated !
Model: iMac 3.4 GHz Quad-Core Intel Core i7, 8Gb RAM
AppleScript: Applescript 2.7, Script Editor 2.11
Browser: Safari 605.1.15
Operating System: macOS 10.14
Nothing fancy, just a question missing a lot of useful informations.
-- Define a path to a text file containing a list of numbers separated by linefeed or return character
set sourceFile to ((path to desktop as string) & "myNumbers.txt") as «class furl»
set theNumbers to paragraphs of sourceFile
repeat with aNumber in theNumbers
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari"
set frontmost to true
-- Now I make assumptions about the content of the web page
tell window 1 to tell scroll area 1
set value of text field 3 to aNumber
keystroke return
-- or click button (the button which switch to the page supposed to receive an other number
end tell -- window 1
end tell -- System Events
end repeat
Maybe there is no scroll area, maybe there is an other level in the hierarchy of the GUI.
Maybe the text field is not numbered 3.
Maybe it's not a text field but a combo box.
Maybe the button allowing to change of page has the shortcut <return>.
Maybe it hasn't.
Maybe passing to the field supposed to receive the next number requiores more actions.
I apologize, I'm not a sooth sayer.
Yvan KOENIG running High Sierra 10.13.6 in French (VALLAURIS, France) mardi 5 mai 2020 21:14:11
Hi Yvan
Thank you very very much.
It turned out to be quite simple. I didn’t need to control the target screen in any way, because I can set the cursor manually before running.
The final solution:
set sourceFile to “/testrun.txt”
set theNumbers to paragraphs of (read sourceFile)
repeat with aNumber in theNumbers
tell application "System Events" to tell process "Safari"
set frontmost to true
-- focus already manually set to the correct box on page
keystroke aNumber
keystroke return
delay 1
-- handle any invalid entry below
key code 51
key code 51
key code 51
key code 51
delay 2
-- or click button (the button which switch to the page supposed to receive an other number
end tell -- System Events
end repeat
It is a ‘quick and dirty’ solution … but will save literally hundreds of hours of work !
Many many thanks