I am using the applescript below to convert all Uppercase characters entered in a input dialog box to lowercase. However, when I enclose the first two lines in "tell application “iTunes/end tell” it breaks the script. I get the error message:
“iTunes got an error: Can’t continue makeCaseLower.”
Could someone help me get this handler working within an iTunes script?
set theLabel to text returned of (display dialog "Enter label for " with title "Enter Label for Album" default answer "" buttons {"Enter"} default button 1)
end if
on makeCaseLower(theString)
set LC to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set C to characters of theString
repeat with ch in C
if ch is in LC then set contents of ch to item (offset of ch in UC) of LC
end repeat
return C as string
end makeCaseLower
tell me to makeCaseLower(theLabel)
I would code :
tell application "iTunes"
tell current application to set theLabel to text returned of (display dialog "Enter label for " with title "Enter Label for Album" default answer "" buttons {"Enter"} default button 1)
my makeCaseLower(theLabel)
end tell
on makeCaseLower(theString)
set LC to "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
set C to characters of theString
repeat with ch in C
if ch is in LC then set contents of ch to item (offset of ch in UC) of LC
end repeat
return C as string
end makeCaseLower
(1) tell current application is used to get rid of error messages issued by every call to OSAX functions from a tell block
(2) the described error message was issued because iTiunes has no idea of what is the makeCaseLower object.
The « tell me to » syntax used by adayzdone is reolving the ambiguity exactly as the shorter « my ».
Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) dimanche 6 mai 2012 16:45:55