AppleScript 'Run Only' fiasco

Hello -

I have an applescript.

I checked the ‘run only’ box when saving it.

I want to edit it.

Is there any way of un-run-onlying it, if I am the owner, or something?

I hope there is.


Take a look here

It can be very intresting for you.
And about your quyestion, I think not


It turns out that there’s a possible solution, because I’ve not enclosed everything in Try blocks and caught everything with on_error. If there’s an error, I can click ‘Edit’. That will then give me my code back.

But if I’d coded it all properly, then I would indeed have been a bit stuffed.

Hurrah for poor coding.


I tried this; There dialog that usually appears for unhandled errors never appeared.

beep 1
delay 1
error -- no dialog
beep 3 -- never runs

	beep 1
	delay 1
	beep 3 -- never runs
on error
	beep 1 -- this does run
end try