AppleScript Studio in AppleScript Editor

I’ve been slowly working on what I call a “Studio Applet” and I think it’s about ready to be released now. To quote the applet’s description:
“This template applet is an AppleScript Studio application that can be opened and edited in AppleScript Editor. The idea is to combine AppleScriptKit commands and terminology (including working with user interfaces, calling methods, and accessing user defaults) with the ease-of-use of AppleScript Editor.”

[edit] I’ve removed this, given the difficulties on 10.7 and general lack of usefulness.

No interest? Well I can’t say I’m surprised :wink:
But I’ll point out that it includes a progress window (same one from the Automator Runner demos), making it real easy to show progress in your script.

Anyway, I just tested this on 10.4 and it seems to work fine, if that’s of any importance to anyone (the Automator Runner method does not work on 10.4).

I’m very interested! I’ll get around to testing it asap. Meanwhile, excuse my ignorance, where do I find the info.plist


Model: 2 x 2.8 GHz Quad-Core Intel Xeon
AppleScript: 2.1.2
Browser: Firefox 3.6.14
Operating System: Mac OS X (10.6)

Ah, that’s inside the application package. Right-click on the app and choose “Show Package Contents”.
For more info on what you can do with the Info.plist, such as setting the document types it will open, see here.