I trying to do the following on OS9… with Stuffit Deluxe v 7.0.3:
Stuff a whole folder and send it with Fetch to an FTP location.
But I get a script error at the Stuff stage: Impossible to get alias Macintosh HD:Documents:Backups
And at the Fetch stage I get an error: A reference was expected
Can someone help me please?
--Déclaration des variables
set SourceFolder to "Macintosh HD:Documents:Backups"
set DestinationFile to "Macintosh HD:Documents:Incidents.sit"
set target_URL to "ftp://admin:nike4@"
--Compression du dossier avec un timeout de 20 minutes (20 x 60 secndes)
with timeout of 1200 seconds
tell application "StuffIt Deluxe"
stuff alias SourceFolder into alias DestinationFile
end tell
end timeout
set zippedfile to "Macintosh HD:Documents:Backups:Incidents.sit"
--Envoi du fichier par Fetch à travers FTP
with timeout of 1200 seconds
tell application "Fetch 4"
put into target_URL item zippedfile
end tell
end timeout
--Supprimer le fichier Archive
--Quitter les programmes
tell application "StuffIt Deluxe"
end tell
tell application "Fetch 4"
end tell
Model: iMac G4
Browser: Firefox 4.0.1
Operating System: Mac OS 9.2.x
OK so I have made something that works… See below.
But I would like to know how to catch any error on each stage and quit the script?
As I see the Fetch “put into” replaces automatically the previous file in the upload directory. Is this normal?
For the Fetch “put into” command must I specify “format Binhex” if what I am sending is a stuffed file containing documents and applications.
Thanks, Andrew
--Déclaration des variables
set myFolder to "Macintosh HD:Documents:Backups:" as alias
--Création du tableau d'alias
tell application "Finder"
set aliasList to (items of myFolder) as alias list
end tell
--Création d'une nouvelle archive
tell application "StuffIt Deluxe"
make new archive with properties {location:file "Macintosh HD:Documents:Sauvegarde.sit"}
end tell
--Compression des documents
with timeout of 1200 seconds
tell application "StuffIt Deluxe"
stuff aliasList into archive "Sauvegarde.sit" compression level maximum
end tell
end timeout
--Déclaration de la variable
set myFile to "Macintosh HD:Documents:Sauvegarde.sit" as alias
--Envoi du fichier par FTP avec Fetch
with timeout of 1200 seconds
tell application "Fetch 4"
set theTransferWindow to make new transfer window at beginning with properties {hostname:"", userid:"admin", password:"nike4", initial directory:"share/4D/"}
put into theTransferWindow item myFile
end tell
end timeout
--Supprime le fichier d'archive
tell application "Finder"
select file "Sauvegarde.sit" of folder "Documents" of startup disk
delete selection
empty trash
end tell
Here’s how to error check as you asked…
-- do some code
-- if any of the code errors it automatically goes into the "on error" section and stops executing the rest of the code
on error theError number errorNumber
-- this ends the script
-- you could optionally display a dialog first showing theError and errorNumber to alert you of the problem
end try